Bibidayat jadida: New beginnings

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"Je suis innocent, je vous le dis!" Ila yelled, straining against the metal contraptions that bound her surprisingly small yet callused hands together. "Alo, aidez moi!" She screamed at Alo, thick, hot tears streaming down her face. Alo just sadly shook her head at Ila, as a "garde" held her hand firmly behind her back as well. The crowd of native French and the tourists that had gathered, jeered. The "supérier" held up a microphone. "You are under arrest!" He yelled at Ila. The crowd gasped. Ila rolled her eyes. "If you are expecting something exciting, than back off!" She shrieked at the crowd using her best English. Most of the tourists scurried away. The supérier snarled. "We have warned you before. We have had trials about you. You are under our control as long as you stay in France. We can sentence you to death if we like." The remaining crowd gaped open mouthed. Ila glared at the supérier. Then Alo spoke up finally. "Mon plus honorable maire," Alo spoke slowly and calmly under the circumstances. "I am her legal guardian. She was sent to be left in possession of someone from my town. I was picked. Therefore I am her guardian, fair and square." She gazed at Ila. "There is one other option for her." The supérier frowned. "Ma chère dame." He said. "This girl has become beyond our hands. There is no other option." Alo didn't give up. She leaned forward, and whispered something in his ear. He turned milky white. "She can't...she mustn't...she is....That is what I thought." He muttered. Finally, he straightened up. "Release the girl and the old lady." He ordered. With much muttering from the gardes and angry boo's from the crowd, Ila and Alo were finally free. Ila flexed her wrists, planning to run over to Alo--not believing her luck. But all of a sudden, Ila was forced into a room. Ila's last glance at Alo was her being pushed onto the hanging block. Alo had cost her life for Ila. Ila waited--not so patiently--for someone to receive her from the room. She had never cried in her life until today. "Crying shows weakness," Alo had always said. Ila sniffed. Where would she go now? Alo had been her only home. Ila had had faint visions of a loving family and the noise of a gun shot that had ruined the hearing in her right ear, but those had faded to almost nothingness over the years. Finally the supérier barged in the small room. He got close in Ila's face. Ila stepped back a little bit, overwhelmed of the smell of alcohol and dried blood the supérier stank of. "I don't like this," he whispered, "but it will get you out of here." Ila stared at him. Then suddenly she stomped her left foot onto his. His face didn't change. "Will anyone tell me what is going on?" She screeched at him. The supérier shushed her. "Shut it girl", he said, "or you will pay." Ila shut her mouth unwillingly, and glared at the supérier for a moment. "What am I? Where are you sending me?" She asked. The supérier glanced around the room, as if to make sure they were alone. He lowered his voice if possibly lower. "You, Ila, have rare power. One that is almost unknown." He breathed, "And your 'loving' Alo wanted you to attend a special camp. One for little brats like you. A camp for powers."

Hi! This is my first wattpad story. I know it's not great and I'm not going to get many reads, but if for some reason your reading this, then I hope you liked it!

Also, sorry if my French and Arabic (Arabic in titles) are wrong. I don't know much about these languages, and had to do some research!


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