Where are we

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I woke up to a empty bed and frowned where was lucas? I got up and walked to the bathroom when i noticed cold mist come out. That ment lucas was taking a cold shower and i smirked knewing what it ment.

"Hey lucas?" I called out curiously already knowing where he was.

"Shit-" he whispered "yes monet?" He asked and i almost laughed.

"Im brushing my teeth ok..that wont change the temperature of the water right?" I asked teasingly.

Flipping the pancakes in the pan i watched as his muscles flexed in his back. "Want some help?" I asked not wanting to move. Lucas had tattoos on his back and it give him the whole bad boy look. I bet he was back in high school.

"Nope im almost done" he said softly and i got up going into the fridge to get juice. It was on the bottom shelf so i had to bend over and i heard him grumble "shit"

I couldnt help the smirk all morning on my face as i teased him. I watched as he struggled to keep calm all morning. What the hell was wrong with him? After last night all i could think about was our relationship. Were we friends more then friends. I guess we were since he hasnt really said anything about it.

"What are you thinking about?" Lucas asked suspiciously and i shook my head. "Why are you lyeing i know your thinking about something cause you always bite your top lip when you are" he noticed.

"Work stuff" i muttered and he closed his mouth for a while before asking "Hows school going?"

"Good the dean told me if i keep up the hard work i might be able to graduate early" i smiled happily. "Do you ever work i mean like youre always home?" I asked confused and he chuckled.

"I dont really do all the action work any more i just over see everything sign paycheck and assign cases thats about it and majority of that can be done from home" he shrugged.

"Doesnt sound like much of a job" i joked.

"Well sweetheart it pays the bills all 4 cars and helps me donate generously to alot of california orphanages so its a good job if you ask me" he snarks cockily.

"Are you always this cocky?" I ask with a eye roll and he laughs.

"You work tonight? its something i want to show you" He ask hopefully and i shake my head.

"Lucas where are we?" I asked confused looking at the building.

"Where i grew up" he smiled proudly taking my hand and pulling me inside.

"Lucas!" The older woman at the front desk smiled getting up to hug him. They hugged for a long time before she noticed me. "Hello deary who are you?" She asked.

"Oh thats monèt shes-" before he could finish she pulled me into a hug. "Hello sweety oh youre so beautiful" she smiled.

"Thank you" i smiled shyly and she chuckled. "The boys are out back playing in the yard and the girls are huddled up in the room" she told lucas he nodded before sending her a quick thank you and running up the stairs. The long narrow hall had 6 doors. 2 bathrooms and 4 bedrooms. There was 2 for the older kids and 2 for the younger kids. The walls were a dingy scary white.

"I heard there was princesses trapped up here" he yelled barging into the room before i heard screaming girls. I followed in behind him and seen a bunch of little girls clinging to him and smiled.

"Whos she?" A older voice blurted and all eyes was on me. I shyly waved before i heard whispers mixed of "shes pretty" and "i like her outfit".

"Im monèt, lucas'...friend"i told them.
"Well a friend of lucas is a friend of ours" the little girl said with a island accent.

Hours later i found myself laughing with the girls as we painted the room a lilac color. They got tired of the white and wanted something new. Each of us dipped our hands in our favorite color paint before leaving our legacy on the wall.

Out of the 6 sets of hand prints i shouldve seen there was only 4. Looking around i noticed lily & rose, the twins, giggling who had actually used their feet. The twins were 5 years old and 6 months older then hazel, the little island girl. Jasmine was 7 going on 25 and oh so sassy. Then there was the two older girls avery 15 and  kayla 16, who were just getting into boys.

"Pizzas here" i heard ms. Lucinda the lady who ran the orphanage yell. The girls quickly went to wash their hand while i went downstairs to pay forgetting about the paint i had on my hands.

"Your totals 73 even" the teen boy said stairing at my body.

"Good heavens what did you order?" Ms.lucinda asked pulling out her wallet.

"Put that away i got it" i told her and lucas came up behind me glairing at the boy. Pulling out a 50,20 and 10 and muttering a keep the change before closing the door and looking at me.

"Were you painting?" He asked and i nodded smiling.

There was 2 cheese pizzas 2 pepperoni a meat lovers and another with pineapples on one half and cheese on the other. I ordered 4 dozen wings hot mild and regular and hawaiin punch juice.

As lucas tried to get passed me i could feel his whole front side press against my butt. "Dont think your attempts of seducing me went unnoticed" he whispered against my ear going to get a slice of meat lovers pizza.

Hazel sat next to me at the huge table with lucas on the other side rubbing his hand up and down my leg until i kicked his shin.

"I had so much fun" i smiled at lucas as we left and he opened the car door for me. He smiled as he jogged over and got in on his side and started the car.

"I love them all like my own if i could adopt them i would but i just go and visit them often" he told me.

"Is that where you grew up?" I asked softly and he nodded rubbing his eyes. "Are you tired i can drive if you want" i suggested and he just shook his head. Liar.

When we pulled up to my house his eyes were a light red. "Lucas come on im not letting you drive home like this, you can sleep over" i scolded taking off his seatbelt and when i looked up at him his eyes was stairing at my lips. "Come on slow poke" i teased walking into my house.

"I still have your basketball shorts and tshirt you can wear that after you get out the shower" i told him and he nodded. This was the most innocent looking ive ever seen lucas.

When i got out the shower in the downstairs bathroom i put on my underclothes spandex shorts and a tshirt before jogging upstairs to put on lotion when i noticed lucas out like a light and smiled.

After lotioning up my body i grabbed my phone and started scrolling through instagram when i was pulled back onto the bed in a laying position and lucas wrapped his arm around me with his head burried in my neck.

"You smell good" he rasped out and damn if he talked like that all the time i would sex him down consistantly. Turning on my side he pulled me closer and pulled the covers over us. After laying down for a second i realized something.

I was not tired.

Pulling my phone out i began scrolling through my social networks when lucas groaned. "Sweetheart what you still doing up?" He asked huskily his breath fanning my neck making me shiver.  I shrugged. "Cant sleep?" He asked and i shook my head. He sighed before taking my phone out my hand putting it on the night stand then pulling me to lay on his chest and running his hands  through my hair.

The longer his fingers rubbed massaged twirled my hair i couldnt feel it as i began drifting off. Im pretty sure lucas mumbled something but i was too gone to hear it.

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