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Did jack just kiss me? I think to myself as he falls back asleep beside me. Maybe it was the morphine, yah probably was the morphine. I stand up shaking and stagger out of the room closing the door and turning off the lights.
"Goodnight Jack", my mouth strains to speak from my lips recently kissed by the one guy I never thought was gay. Or is he bisexual. Am I gay? No I couldn't be. I walk to the couch in the living room a pull a blanket around my shoulders. Man it's cold in this place I don't know how he lives, but he barely lives now. Hopefully I stay awake all night so if something goes wrong I will be able to help and fix it. I grab the remote and turn on the tv thinking it will help but within no time I'm flat out tired and can barley keep my eyes open. So I let my eyelids take a rest and close them for one second but they don't open up cause I am down. My body flops, my mind goes blank and I'm passed out on the couch with the tv playing in the background.
(Many hours later)
In my dream there's a room with green walls and on single light shining on someone huddled up in the corner. Something in my mind tells me not to go towards him but I don't listen and my curiosity takes over. Once I reach the figure I see that it is shaking so I place my hand on it shoulder. It turns around and pounces pinning me to the floor of the strange room and my body seems to be paralyzed. Only my eyes can move so I look look around and can't find that thing who is haunting me. My mind try's to wake up but struggles until I hear the screeching. It's the sounds of nails on a chalkboard but no it's a knife being dragged across the walls.
"WHAT DO YOU WANT FOR ME?!", the now man form sits on top of my chest and hold the knife up to my face.
"Ur blood...", my body and mind is now being ripped from my dream in real pain, pain that is coming from a real knife held to my actual face. I look around and see that I'm in the apartment laying now on the floor tied up. The dark shadow in my dream was replaced by SEAN!
"JACK GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME!", I try to push him off but he slices underneath my eye and it gushes automatically. "Aaaah why the fuck?! SEAN THIS ISNT FUNNY NOW GET OFF!!", he now cuts now above my eyebrow and the blood trickles down into my eye so I can't see.
"You can't help me no one can. Don't you get it!", again he cuts me on the cheek,"I'm dead either way! And so are You!". Before he can slice again Dark invades my mind and shoves Anti off. Then I'm back and I have to act fast or he will get me again. So I pin him down and grab the knife from his hand, but I don't throw it away. Instead I hold it to his throat and keep him still so he doesn't jump on me again. His body is to still though and then I remember his cuts.
"Shit! Sean please buddy speak to me show me some movement!", I climb off of him and see his chest moving slightly then stop. "No no NO! This can't be happening!", in my state of panic I give him the Heimlich which pushes air out of his lips and I quickly push air back in them and do that for about five minutes before he is breathing again. "Why do all of these things happen to you?! I'm so sorry jack that one was on me. I need to go or else I will harm you again, I'm sorry.", with my pale shaky hands I brush his green hair out of his face and kiss his forehead. "Goodbye Sean.", I stand up and walk towards the door covering my eye. I take my phone out of my pocket in the door frame and dial 911.
Operator: Hello emergency services how may I assist you?
In my best Irish accent I speak for Jack,
"Yes hello a burglar came into my apartment and cut me many times with a knife after a struggle. Just please come and help theres blood everywhere."
Operator: A unit is on our way to ur location just please stay awake and alert for us please sir.
With that I throw the phone in Sean direction and walk out the door leaving it open.
Operator: Is everything okay sir? I heard a bang.
From the hallway I hear his sweet voice, "No everything isn't okay everything hurts.". Quickly I run down the stairs to avoid attention and get into my car right as the paramedics arrive. I see them enter the building and I drive off hoping Sean's okay. Then it occurred to me on my way out he said something does that mean he was awake for the kiss?! Oh no!
The paramedics arrive and the pain is agonizing. It's not from the cuts or bruises it from the hole Mark dug out when he left. Why do all my relationships have to end this way for me?! The paramedics carry my into the ambulance and I'm hooked up to an IV drip. Why couldn't I control Anti anymore! He's become to unbearable I need to stop him. Not now though I'm too tired and I haven't made a full recovery yet. Once I'm at the hospital they drug me and I'm off to never never land.
(Two days later)
The crisp winter breeze pushes through my thin coat as I walk across campus. I hate being skinny.
"Jack is that you buddy?!", behind me I hear a low voice and hope it's not Mark. I turn around and Ken jumps onto me in a big bear hug, which I guess is what he's famous for around campus.
"Can't breath!", I gasp for air as his huge arms enclose me in his grip.
"Sorry! Hey where have you been?", he lets go then punches my shoulder hard which sends shockwaves of pain trough my body. It makes me double over clutching my shoulder. "Woah sorry I've been known to punch hard.".
"It's okay I'll be fine just give me a moment. I didn't expect a car crash to be that damaging. Ahh it's gunna take me months to heal.", I stand up rubbing my shoulder and cracking my back from the hug.
"You where in a crash! Wow I didn't know that!" Brinnnngg The intercom came alive and it caused us to jump.
"HOLY FOCK!", I say in surprise.
Intercom lady: Kenneth Charles Morrison come to the main building and report to room 420B, Kenneth Charles Morrison come to the main building  and report to room 420B.
"Welp! That's me so best be going Jack, Nice to see yah around!", yah nice to see you Ken. How does he stay so happy with everything going on. Wait does he even know?! I need to tell him before he finds out the hard way!
"Hey Ken!", but he's turning around the corner before I can talk to him, so I run after him. Right as I turn the corner someone bumps into me and I drop all my books. "Oh I'm sorry let me just get out of ur way!", I bend down to pick up the books, then my face drains of color when a reply comes.
"No I'm sorry, wait Jack is that you are you okay?", no stop I can't do this at school and when I'm trying to catch someone. My eyes tear up as I meet his giant brown eyes, then they lock on mine and I loose it. I loose my control and break down pushing past him. He calls after me but I run, run to anywhere anything! Mark already broke my heart I don't want him to do it again. Feet pound behind me and I start to run faster. Then a hand grabs me, pulls me into a strong hug and squeezes.
"Why didn't you call or come talk to me! I missed you buddy!", he releases me and I look away not wanting him to see my face. "Hey what's happening? What's wrong?!", he turns my face to his and I lean back. "You can tell me anything, you can trust me.", my mind tells me not to but I ignore it and break the rules. Leaning forward our pink lips connect and sparks fly between us. I think he will pull away but he pushes his lips against mine. The kiss ends with me pulling my lips away and it leaves a spit trail from the intimate contact.
"That's what's wrong.", I drop my books and run away from my problems.

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