Secret Admirer

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  He gazed at her with his amber eye that were full of affection, adoration, and infatuation, His lips were slightly stretched upwards across his face, as he watched her from afar, his eyes full of fondness, and yearning to be able to touch her. He stared at the back of her head, which was bent down as she was busying taking notes from the board at the front of her class. He should had been doing the same, but he wasn't because the notes on the board that were essential to him - he found them utterly useless. In his opinion, nothing could compare to his beloved's beauty. No matter how much time, he spent admiring her from afar, it wasn't enough for him. Even if Zuko had all the time in the world to stare and admire his beloved's beauty, it wouldn't be enough for to satisfy his needs. For this reason, he didn't want to waste the little time he had in his class to take down useless notes, when he would rather admire something who's exquisiteness was out of this world.

Zuko's smile widened slightly as he began fantasizing about his beloved and himself. He could imagine them under a huge shade of tree.. Just the two them, isolated from the world. She would be sitting under the tree, her back against it, while she would gaze down at Zuko with loving eyes, and she would run her fingers through his raven hair. He would be lying down in her lap, and looking up at her with loving eyes as well, enjoying the touch of her soft fingers combing through his hair.

Zuko sighed in content, as gazed down at his notebook. His eyes widened, and a small blush appeared on his cheeks when he noticed that unknowingly, he had written 'Zuko x [Name]' on his notebook. Instantly, in embarrassment, he flipped his book shut. He looked around his class, to see that everyone had left, which made him realize that he was too busy fantasizing about his crush once again to notice that the bell had rang. He quickly stood up, and grabbed his bag. He was about to bolt out of his classroom, when a voice stopped him.

"Oh Zuzu," Azula called with a taunting voice.

Zuko stopped mid-step, and turned towards his younger sister with an annoyed look on his face. "What do you want Azula?" He asked, displeasure clearly evident in his voice.

The discontent in his voice, caused Azula to smirk. "Why do you sound so annoyed Zuzu? I'm only here to help," She spoke in a derisive voice. Zuko glared at her. "Help with what?" He snarled.

"You're so rude. Let me spell it out for you. She has [H/l] [H/C], innocent looking [E/C] eyes, ew. And, her name is [Na]-" Azula was cut off by Zuko, who silenced her by putting his hand on her mouth.

"Shut up," He hissed. His response caused Azula's smirk to widened. She peeled his hand off her mouth, before she began to talk once again. "I would use the internet to start off.. You know anonymously. And then, portray my feelings, and take what's mine.... Even if it means I have to use force. That's the advice I have for you Zuzu," She said, smirking evilly, with a deranged look on her face, causing Zuko's eyes to narrow his eyes at her.

Then, the deranged look on her face disappeared before she smiled at him. "Well, I'll be going and so should you Zuzu, or else you'll get detention," She said smirking, and running out of the class.

Zuko glanced at the clock on the classroom's front wall. "Crap!" He muttered, before bolting out of the class.

[Name] was walking home from school, with her earsphones in her ears, her [favourite song playing], while she scrolled through her Facebook. She continued to walk while she scrolled through her newfeed, when a notification tone rung, indicating that she had received a message. The [H/C] female furrowed her eyebrows, before tapping on the mysterious person's picture and reading the message.

From your secret admirer:
Hey [Name]! How are you doing? I messaged you a couple of times before, but you never replied, so I'm assuming my messages never reached you.

[Name]'s eyes widened when she read the message, as her fingers began to twitch. Not this again! She thought frantically. This was because for the past few weeks, [Name] had been receiving anonymous texts, messages, emails, and even letters. In such texts, messages, emails, and letters, countless compliments were written about the [H/C] female.. Well at first they were. The said messages were filled with all the lovely things about [Name], which made her extremely happy when she read them. However, as she received more of these messages, they started to get eerie, and frightening. The messages had things written in it like:

You hair looks really nice.
I like watching you walk home.
I wish I was in your bed next to you, cuddling and protecting you.
You shouldn't talk to other guys for your own good.
Why aren't you replying, sweetie?

This frightened the [H/C] female for her safety and so, she blocked the anonymous number she received messages from. She moved out of her parents house into her cousin's Katara's home. She created a new email account as well. But no matter what she did, her secret admirer always found a way to contact her. Another notification tone rung from her phone, which indicated that she received another message. [Name] gulped in fear, and read the message from her secret admirer.

I can see you. You look really beautiful.

This new message caused [Name] to gasp in shock, as she dropped her phone in surprise. The moment she did so, she felt eyes burn holes at the back of her head. And instantly, she began running for her life.

The moment she started to run, she began to hear foot-steps following her. This caused her to run faster as a frightened expression appeared on her face.

[Name] continued to run and increase her speed. She took random turns to confuse her predator, and she succeeded. Moments later, she could hear no foot-steps chasing her. This caused her to slow down her pace as she looked behind her to make sure no one was following her. The minute she did so, she bumped into someone.

This caused her to freeze in surprise, as a shiver ran down her spine. She turned her head with petrified expression on her face, before her eyes widened, and she sighed in relaxation.

"Zuko," She said in relief.

"Hey," Zuko said smirking at her. His smirk caused a small blush to appear on [Name]'s face.

"What were you running from? You look really terrified," Zuko said. To his response, [Name] laughed nervously. "O-Oh do I? It's nothing," She lied, smiling at him.

Zuko narrowed his eyes at her, before he sighed. He walked towards her, which caused [Name] to step back on instinct. When he stepped towards her, she stepped back. This happened continuously, until [Name]'s back hit the street wall, and Zuko trapped her by putting his hands beside her. His body rubbed against hers, which caused a blush to appear on her face.

"W-What?" [Name] asked, with red cheeks.

"I don't like it when you lie to me," Zuko muttered, tucking a lock of her hair behind her ear, which only made her blush spread further.

"W-Why?" [Name] stuttered.

"Because I love you," Zuko muttered, leaning close to her lips. He was about to connect their lips, when [Name] stopped him, by putting a hand on his mouth.

"I-I'm sorry. I don't feel the same," She said with a mournful expression, looking at Zuko with sympathetic eyes.

She expected her response to anger him, however to her response, Zuko merely smirked. This caused [Name]'s eyes to widen in surprise.

"I figured this would happen," Zuko began, looking at [Name] with cunning eyes. His response caused her to furrow her eyebrows in confusion. She opened her mouth to speak, but Zuko interrupted her.

"Azula warned me about this. That's why I sent you all those messages," Zuko said, putting his hand on [Name]'s cheek. His response caused her eyes to widened impossibly huge.

"It was you who was sending me those sinister messages!?" [Name] asked in anger.

"Who else did you thought it was?" Zuko said smirking.

"I'm calling the police," [Name] hissed, as she reached into her school skirt's pocket to grab her phone, only to find it empty.

"You dropped it on your way here, dear," Zuko snarled. [Name]'s eyes widened at the sudden change in his voice. She opened her mouth to reply, only for her lips to be hungrily attack by Zuko's.

She was going to try and push him away. However, before she could move, Zuko hit her on the neck, which caused black spots to cover her vision; before [Name] fainted.

However, before she completely closed her eyes, Zuko's words rung in her ears, and haunted her mind.

"Sweet dreams dear... This will be the last peaceful night you'll ever have." Zuko had snarled, before [Name] fainted in his arms, and he took her away, isolating her from society for the rest of their lives.   

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