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Felicia's POV

     After the discovery of my new found feeling to James Lockheart, i am left being confused and sad. Confused becaused i never thought that i will end up having a crush on him and sad because i know that i will never have a chance to be with him. I think like that because i'm just a normal high school girl and i dont have that wow factor that would make a guy like me.

     Still thinking about my feeling, i headed toward the cafeteria to have a lunch. In there i meet my friends that is Chrystle and Lindsay. I joined them at their table. We exchanges hi to eachother and then the table turn back to talking where they left off. I want to tell them my feeling but i dont know where or how to start of the conversation.

     In this current time, we are talking about anime stuff, because most of us like anime, and the one who like anime most is marie. Then it spread so lindsay and chrystle also ended liking anime too.

     In the middle of the conversation that i dont know a thing about i start asking them a question about if your heartbeat start beating faster around a certain someone and you get excited when you are around him or just hearing his name make you smilling like an idiot can it be called that you like someone.

     It's not that i am unsure of my own feeling, it is just that how can i actually have a crush on him or liking him, the popular James Lockheart aka the school popular boy. It is just very unexpected.

     Then they answer it with yeah, of course, and right after it comes question about why did i ask that sort of question or if i experience that feeling and i like somebody. They are all very curious. So i answer yes. I finally found the answer that i was unsure before.

     They of course also want to know who is the one that has succed to stole my heart. So i eventually tell them everything. Start from who i have a crush on, when the feeling start, and why is that i have a crush on him. Well obviously not everything because little did i know everything is going to take a big turn in my life.


Picture on the side is the outside look of Twilight high school

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