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Felicia's POV

It's a new year now in Twilight high school and it's been months since i have a crush on him and also since he started showing different attitude towards me. He started hating me and i'm a little bit heart broken because of it. You know who i'm talking about "The school most popular boy" aka James Lockheart.

And since that day when he started to distance himself from me is the day that i set my mind to move on from him. It's not because of i'm a play girl or something that just like guys for a short time then move on to other but i want to do that because i'm afraid that he's gonna break my heart and shattered it to pieces.

I have been trying to do that but it's seem so damn hard, i have been trying to do that for a month already but come out nothing, i still have feelings for him. And to top that, he start to post love/sad love quotes on his profile picture. I heard some rummors that he likes a girl, named Skylar Evans.

I acctually know her, she is in my my class so basically she is my classmate and so is James Lockheart. The guy that i have a crush on.So this is going to be akward whenever i'm in class.

Now almost everyday i have to watch him stole glances around her. Well she is not that bad, she is pretty, white, tall, skinny, smart, and kind of goody two shoes from my opinion.

But in that sorrowful time, it makes me closer Ashton Carter. He is also my classmate, and he and I got a lot closer because I confide in him about James, I tell him all about my feelings toward James to him. And the part that I most apriciete about him is that he is always there when i needed a shoulder to cry on and when i need comford the most.

Picture on the side is Colton Haynes as Ashton Carter

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