Changed and Lost

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Lily's p.o.v.
I sit in the woods waiting for Toby to show up, it's been two months since...the wreck and he hasn't spoke to me at all. I'm so worried about him. I'm pulled out of me thoughts when something behind me snaps, I look over slowly seeing nothing there hearing it again right beside me I look to the other side and dodge the small hatchet that was thrown towards my head. I look over seeing a semi tall boy with goggles and...Toby's jacket covered in blood. I get up and start running from him, did he kill Toby and take his jacket as a trophy? Lost in my thoughts worried about Toby's life I trip on a rock and fell hitting my head on a stump. I look around, everything is blurry and spinning, I go to look behind me and I'm pinned to the ground as the killer wearing Toby's jacket gets ready to finish me off, I weep and plead for the killer to not do this. He sits there frozen still holding the hatchet up high, then he takes my head and hits it against the stump, everything goes black.

Splendors p.o.v.

I'm walking in the woods picking flowers trying to find rare and new ones when I come across a sleeping girl, I sit beside her and examine the gash on her head and the stump behind her with spots of blood on it, she must've tripped. I pick her small sleeping body up and take her to my little house.I lay her in my bedroom and clean the gash and seal it shut with some of my slender blood. Now she lays hear sleeping soundly, I get up and go to the kitchen to make her some food, hmm I wonder what she likes.

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