"Hello" è il nuovo singolo di Adele estratto dal suo nuovo album "25".Questa canzone è molto bella nonostante i suoi toni un poco tristi.Sopra vi ho messo il video musicale. Commentate se vi piace.
Hello,it's me
I was wondering if
After all these years
You'd like to meet
To go over everything
They say that time's supposed
To healy but i ain'done
Much healingHello, can you hear me?
I'm in California dreaming
About who we used to be
When we were younger and free
I've forgotten how it fealt
Before the world
Fell at our feetThere's such a difference
Between us
And a million milesHello from the other side
I must've called a
Thousand times
To tell you
I'm sorry,for everything that
I've done but when i call you
Never seem to be homeHello from the outside
And least i can say
That i've tried to tell you
I'm sorry for breaking your heart
But it don't matter
It clearly
Doesn't tear you apart
AnymoreHello,how are you?
It's so pical of me
To talk about myself
I'm sorry.I hope
That you're well
Did you ever make it of that town
Where nothing ever happenedIt's not secret
That the booth of us
Are running out of timeHello from the other side
I must've called a
Thousand times
To tell you
I'm sorry,for everything that
I've done but when i call you
Never seem to be homeHello from the outside
And least i can say
That i've tried to tell you
I'm sorry for breaking your heart
But it don't matter
It clearly
Doesn't tear you apart
Ooooohh, Anymore
Ooooohh, Anymore
AnymoreHello from the other side
I must've called a
Thousand times
To tell you
I'm sorry,for everything that
I've done but when i call you
Never seem to be homeHello from the outside
And least i can say
That i've tried to tell you
I'm sorry for breaking your heart
But it don't matter
It clearly
Doesn't tear you apart
Raccolta di Canzoni
AcakQuesta qui è una raccolta di canzoni e di testi di canzoni vecchie e nuove. L'ho fatta per fare qualcosa di diverso dalle mie storie giuridiche. Spero che vi piaccia.