Chapter 2

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Chapter 2


Angelo's was a nice, busy Italian restaurant, and John suddenly wasn't so sure that Sherlock could get free meals for the both of them. As they stepped inside, the smell of garlic slapped John in the face, and he was glad the restaurant was noisy so Sherlock wouldn't hear his growling stomach.

"Hello, Billy." Sherlock greeted a worker, and showed himself into the restaurant. Billy nodded back at him.

'So Sherlock is a regular?'

As they sat at a clean, empty table, a large man with a beard approached them. As he spoke, he shook Sherlock's hand. "Sherlock! Anything on the menu. What ever you want, free." Oh. So that was how Sherlock was so sure they would get free food. "All on the house, you and your date." His voice was heavily accented in Italian, and he looked at John knowingly as he said "date."

John stared at the strange waiter in disbelief. Did he really have any business approaching them and assuming John was his date? They could very well be mates. Partner's for a project. Brothers, or cousins! Well. Obviously this man knew Sherlock and neither of those were true. But still. They sure as hell weren't dating. They were barely acquaintances for God's sake! "I'm not his date." he informed him.

Sherlock opened his mouth to speak, and John looked at him with wide, curious eyes, anticipating his reply. But then the waiter decided to speak before him, and Sherlock shut his mouth. John studied his face and he almost seemed...possibly relieved, but then again maybe it was his imagination. Sherlock was practically blank on the outside all the time.

Chuckling, he wrapped his arm around Sherlock's shoulders. "This man. He got me off a murder charge." John wasn't sure he heard that right. Murder charge? Sherlock helped him? Sherlock was...what? Sixteen? And this man was around fifty. He sent Sherlock a questioning look, silently telling him to explain.

Sherlock did so. "This is Angelo. About a year ago, I successfully proved to Inspector Lestrade- Greg's father- that at the time of a particularly vicious triple-murder, Angelo was in a completely different part of town- carjacking." Angelo nodded enthusiastically alongside Sherlock, as if his head bobbing would make John believe the story more.

'Oh. Carjacking. Of course. Because that is so much better.'

'But it is better than a triple-murder.'

Angelo smiled broadly, pointing from Sherlock to himself. "He cleared my name!" He released his hold on the young man.

"I cleared it a bit." Sherlock corrected without breaking eye contact with the blond across the table.

"Anything on the menu, I cook it for you, myself." Angelo offered with full gratitude, eyeing John constantly. John was too nice to say anything about the man slightly scaring him with his constant glancing. Was he hinting at something?

Sherlock nodded with a faint smile. "Thank you, Angelo." Angelo replied in a manner that said, "No, thank you."

"If not for you-" He again glanced at John, staring into his eyes as if to assure him that he wasn't kidding, "I would've gone to prison." Sherlock realized the error in that statement, and stared up at his friend with wide eyes. "You did go to prison." John followed in suit with Sherlock, much more alarmed at this fact.

Angelo rapidly glanced between both men nervously. Sherlock was aware of his unusual behavior, even if John wasn't. And with Sherlock being a genius and all, that was bad. "I'll get you a candle for the table." He regained his composure, wiggled his eyebrows at John, and grinned teasingly. "It's more romantic."

"I'm not his date!" John declared almost angrily as Angelo turned away to grab menus. After placing them in front of the two, he stalked away.

Oh well. So much for the impression he was trying to set for Sherlock. Maybe he should just stay out of romantic affairs from now on. But he couldn't help it when Sherlock finally had someone!

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