Tierra--Part 1

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The bare footed girl stood in the shadows, watching her town move about in awe.

She was only fourteen and had yet to have met anyone, though she lived here her entire life.

The town wasn't small, but wasn't big. It was just a town people knew of and stopped by because of the trade and work. Tierra's family lived just outside of the town, not to far away, but they were quiet people. They didn't say much to the other residents and only spoke when needed something.

Tierra had been taught to be like this her entire life. Her mother said that is how you get a husband. Girls don't speak their minds.

But Tierra did anyways. She was active, loud, and disobedient. She would sneak away, like she did this time, and watch people move about.

Having done this so often, she became familiar with everybody, but no one knew her. It was a skill she hoped would prove useful one day.

Tierra continued to watch, listing the people in her mind. She was so distracted she didn't hear someone behind her. "Excuse me miss, may I ask why you are spying on these people?"

Tierra turned around and saw a man standing there. She thought quickly, "I'm not spying good sir, just watching the people go about their day."

"That sounds like spying." The man said.

Tierra knew he was right. It did kinda sound like she was spying. "I'm sorry sir. I don't get out much and my parents don't like me talking with people."

The man frowned and Tierra waited his response. Something in the back of her mind told her to run, but she didn't, not wanting to make the situation worse. "Oh your parents are the one with that house outside of town, right?" Tierra nodded. "That explains it then. Just be careful miss."

Tierra watched him leave before taking off. She was afraid he would go to her home and tell her parents he found her. She took a shortcut home.

Once at the house and climbed the backside to her open window that lead into her chambers. Quickly, she cleaned her self up and put on her shoes. Then, she waited.

No knock came to the door. The man didn't come and now it was almost nightfall. Tierra sighed at the fact she could have been out longer, but the anxiety of the man ratting her out was too much.

She closed her window and got ready to retire.


Tierra walked through the forest in the morning. Her parents were gone for a few days to visit some family. She pulled leaves out of her red hair and sighed. "Well, at lest out here I don't have to worry about being caught." She muttered to her self.

"I wouldn't be too sure about that." A voice said.

Tierra turned and saw a woman there. The woman had to be in her 50's at lest, Tierra guessed. "Um..." Tierra stepped away from the woman. 

The woman had brown hair that was turning grey. Her grey cloak hid her figure and most of her body aside her hands,neck, and head. She didn't seem frail but Tierra didn't dare guess her strength. "No need to be afraid young one." The woman spoke with a voice that was only slightly raspy. "I know who you are."

If the man from only a few days ago thought Tierra was spying, then he should meet this lady. "Excuse me? I've never seen you before." Tierra said, moving away some more.

The woman laughed. "Because I didn't want you to see me. I've been watching you for you entire life and no one knew. Who would want an old lady watching them?"

Tierra was still confused by the woman. "I don't understand miss, but why watch me?"

She found her self looking into the woman's eyes, who was suddenly right in front of her. "You have a great fate Tierra. Your name will be long remembered...if you head my words."

Tierra laughed and pushed the woman gently away. "Lady, your crazy. My fate is to be a wife to some man who won't even love me for me. What fate could I possibly have that would be so great?"

The woman frowned. "You don't believe me, do you child? Men would jump at the chance to be great, woman would plead to step out of society's view of them. Why don't you child? Do you wish to be a house wife?"

Tierra was taken back by this question. She wanted adventure but couldn't see how this woman could give her that. She couldn't see how her name would be known through out the land. It didn't make sense. 

The woman poke again, "I designed your fate myself dear girl. I planned your destiny to be greatest in this land and you brush it off. Why?"

"I don't understand. I'm just a peasant girl who means as much as the dirt we stand on." Tierra said. "So why would I believe a crazy old woman claiming that she made my fate?"

The woman held a frown and thought. "You wish to have adventure. You wish to fight and wield a sword and fight monsters. And you will. You will in time and with training. Go to the dragons, they will teach you how to fight. Then go seek out the balimas and they'll teach you magic."

Tierra thought about this. The dragons would be easy to find, but no one knew where the balimas lived. "What if I don't?" She asked.

"Then the fate of others will be lost and their lives would change. What you do, effects the future. Remember that Tierra." The woman disappeared from sight.

Tierra stood there, dazed and confused. Her actions effected others? She was that important that what she did would change many lives?

Her fate became more clear to her now, but with parts still missing.

She knew what she had to do.

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