Chapter 4: Ross is God (I couldn't think of any titles)

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I just want you guyz to know before this chapter officially starts, I am not giving up on this story. I have just been finding it hard to find inspiration and ways to type it. My phone got shut off over the week and I'm actually on one of the laptops at school and writing this in Math class. You guyz are so welcome, I could get in big BIG trouble but I'm doing this for you guyz. ~APRIL

Danny's POV:

I laid awake that night once I had returned home to mine and Arin's house. My heart was jumping all around in my chest. I was to meet up with Ross tomorrow to start talking about our plans. I was so excited. I had asked Ross earlier in the day to help plan something very important. I plan on proposing to Arin in December and I wanted help planning the wedding. My mind went to two people. Ross or Brian. I needed someone easy to talk to. I had sighed in defeat and called Ross.

"Hey Ross. I need some help," I had said once he finally picked up the god damn phone.

"Sure, what's up man? What can I help my little buddy with?"

"This is kinda weird, but will you help me plan Arin and me a wedding?"

His side of the line went silent. I pulled the phone away from my ear and checked to see if he had hung up. He was still on the line, so I put it back to my ear. I was about to ask if he was still there, but a girly squeal stopped me as soon as I opened my mouth. 

"Oh my gosh! Danny! I didn't know you and Arin were engaged! When did you ask him? What kind of ring did you get him, or did he propose to you? How di-"

"Ross! Calm down," I interrupted him. "We're not engaged, not yet at least. I kinda want to surprise him in December by asking him and hopefully get married on Christmas Eve."

"Dude, that's adorable, but it's only the beginning of February. That's like 10 months away. You sure you're going to be able to keep your hands off him long enough? I mean you two have eye sex every time you look at each other. You sure you're gonna be able to wait 10 months till you can actually fuck him?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, they say that most couples wait until their wedding night for their first time in bed together. Holly and I did."

I felt me cheeks begin to heat up as I debated on telling him. I forgot that no one knows that Arin and I have done it many, MANY times before. "Well, we're not most couples..." I said, hoping Ross would catch on so I didn't have to spell it out for him.

"oh. Oh! Damn, little Danny getting down and dirty," Ross teased. "Who was on top, huh? Did you throw so beej in there or did he?"

"We'e getting off topic. Now back to the wedding."

"Yeah dude. I'd love to help plan a wedding for my two best friends. I mean, I made you guys play my Mario Maker levels. It's the least I can do to make up for all that rage," Ross continued, a short, evil laugh following his words.

"Thanks Ross. This means a lot to me and I'm sure it will mean a lot to Arin as well."

"No problem. I can be like God!"

"Uh. Sure, fine. You can be like God. Just promise you won't come to the wedding wearing a white cloak, fake beard and a matching afro."

"I make no promises, Daniel."

"God damn it, Ross," I sighed with a laugh. "We'll talk tomorrow. I'm going to visit Arin again today."

"You really love him, don't you Dan?"

"I do," I had said, looking down with my face on fire. "I really, truly do."

"I can tell. I'm really happy for you man. Bye."


Here I was, laying on my bed, wishing for Arin to be there with me. If he was here, we'd probably already be kissing every inch of each other's bodies and tearing our clothes off as fast as possible. It's been hard going through all of these big changes, but we're pulling through. No one really's knows just how much I love him. He's sweet, caring, adorable and just plain cute. He's the greatest thing that could have happened to me. He's my everything. I love him so much... So much more than even he knows.

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