Jason Voorhees x Reader: Part 2

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The next thing you knew you were waking up, to a comfortable bed, back in your cabin. You groaned sitting up from the bed and looking around

'H-how did I get here?' You asked yourself shaking your head as you thought over the events of last night and that man... 'No it must have been a dream...it must have!' You tried convincing yourself

You shoved the blankets off of you and headed down stairs, halfway down you smelt something cooking in the kitchen, it smelt like bacon and eggs! Your favorite. Finally reaching the last step of the stairs you saw that everybody stopped talking and started to stair at you. You looked at the group in the living room a tad bit confused until your boyfriend ran up to you, embracing you with a hug.

"Oh (y/n) Your back!" He said gleefully

"What are you talking about (y/b/n)?" you told your boyfriend only to get a confused look right back

"Baby we were searching for you all night last night, we couldn't find you," he spoke

You looked down at your feet, feeling a fluttering sensation reaching your belly and heat rush to your cheeks. 'It wasn't a dream then, he is real!' you thought to yourself. You looked up at your boyfriend then to your friends "I uh went on a walk...then snuck in late last night..." You lied to them shoving your boyfriends arms away

you walked to the kitchen and grabbed a piece of bacon off a plate, you stroke up a conversation with your friend in the kitchen when your boyfriend entered the room, looking agitated.

"(Y/N) what's wrong?!" he prodded at you

growing increasingly agitated with him you just shoved him off and started walking away when he grabbed your wrist tightly. You turn to glare at him "Nothings wrong now leave me alone please!" You snapped tugging your wrist away from him. You walked back upstairs to your room to get changed then came back downstairs only to overhear your boyfriend talking to that one chick your friend invited that you didn't know.

"I don't know what's wrong with her...shes acting weird, you know?" he said

"Oh (Y/B/N) don't worry about her...I mean the whole point to bring her here was to dump her bland ass anyway right?" the girl mentioned

your heart felt shattered as you heard him say "Yeah that's true," but anger over came the feeling of heart break and you stomped down the stairs. I guess your boyfriend saw you cause he tried to stop you but all you did was shove him away, "Shut up don't talk!" you shouted "I'm done with all of this!" you yelled to all your friends before stomping out of the cabin feeling hurt and betrayed...

all you wanted right now was him...at least he could make you feel happy....you walked through the woods trying to find him but knowing it would almost be impossible. You kept looking and looking but you lost your balance on some twigs and twisted your ankle, "Shit!" you yelled out loud rubbing your hurt ankle. Tears started to fill your eyes just feeling overwhelmed by everything right now, you laid your head against the tree your situated yourself at and just cried. After awhile you heard something like a twig snapping, your heartbeat raced as you looked around in fear. But you saw nothing well that is until you turned back around from looking around the tree that's when you saw him. With a gasp you two just looked at each other for a long while then he moved his focus to the black and blue ankle, gently he grabbed it and looked at the injury. After inspecting it he picked you up carrying you back to a cabin deep in the woods....
Sorry this sucks so freaking badly DX I tried my hardest I've just been really dead brained as of lately XD next one to hopefully come up later today :P

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