2. The Sound of Death

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Does death have a sound? I sure thought it did on that fateful day.


"LOCK DOWN! CODE RED, CODE RED." the loudspeaker blared. I assumed that it was another drill, but something in the announcer's voice told me it wasn't.

"THIS IS NOT A DRILL. I REPEAT, THIS IS NOT A DR-" The announcer was cut off, and she screamed. I heard the thump as the microphone dropped onto the ground. I was in third period, with my favorite teacher, for science. I watched as if it were slow motion as she paled, then rushed around the room, pointing to the corner of the room, where we wouldn't be seen by the door or the window. She taped up huge sheets of paper on the door window, and the large window I often watched the trees sway in the wind through. I was frozen. I honestly couldn't move. 

"Saph!" It was a nice girl, and she beckoned to me to sit next to her in the corner. I finally was able to move, and I ran over to her. Mrs. Katerine put a finger to her lips. Though most of my classmates were crying, they made no sound, letting the tears slide down their skin to drip off their chins. We were all quiet as mice, curled up against one another. I put my head on my knees. I was deathly scared. Mrs. Katarine hid with us, and her bottom lip trembled dangerously. Suddenly, I heard screaming, and popping noises. A second later, I realized they were gunshots. My eyes widened. I heard footsteps coming closer. I dove instinctively under a cabinet. I was lucky I was small. The wood pressed against me but I paid no notice. The only sound I heard was the door being slowly pulled open. From under the cabinet, I saw shoes, big black combat boots enter the room. I stifled a scream. Mrs. Katerine rose up, and I watched her shoes stand only an inch away from me. I heard another gunshot. This time, it was deafening. 


I slip out from underneath the cabinet, having waited for so long, until the sound of gunshots was gone. It took what seemed like years, but maybe that was because my mind felt like it was drowning in blood, making it so I couldn't process anything very quickly. Like how it took me ages to realize everyone in the room was dead. The silence was an overwhelming sound, pounding in my ears, as loud as a jet engine. I couldn't escape it. Sliding under the cabinet was easy, since the floor was pooled with blood. I slid farther than I expected, bumping into something. Then I realized it was my teacher. Mrs. Katerine. 

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