Chapter 1: Strangers at Night

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In the midst of the night I could see shadows walking towards me, but I wasn't afraid. I felt homesick and lost, but not afraid. Most people are afraid of what's in the dark and being out there with it, but I don't care.

" Who is that?," screamed one of the mysterious figures. 

   I didn't dare reply this far from home. It sounded like my Grand-pappy Jones, but I knew better. He had to be dead by now. North American Police Dogs had been searching for him since he went off the grid ten years ago. They've probably found him by now. I wouldn't be surprised if they had because he was never good at hiding from dogs.

 The unknown voice called out again, "It's the POLICE!!!!!! Turn yourself in now or we'll let the dogs find out who you are." 

   I had no choice but to believe the voice as dark as it was.

 "My name is Rae Lynn Johnston,"  I screamed, "Is Church Hill too far up the road?" 

   I got really scared when the voice didn't reply for about five minutes. 

Then another voice said, "Church Hill is up the road and around the block but I'm afraid we can't let you through for the road has been blocked for the Johnston family," 

   I froze when I heard the unknown man say that. I'm a Johnston, but I didn't know what happened to my family. 

So I decided to tell them "They're my family." 

   It went quiet. 

Then they said......" What's your name again, little girl?" 

   I had to tell them who I was so I could have a possibility of seeing my family again. 

"My name is Rae Lynn Johnston. I went off the grid to go to a camp in Wyoming but it got canceled right before our bus crashed. We all got thrown off in different areas. I was all alone and homesick so I started walking around and found someone to help me to Missouri  in a car. They took me to Springfield, Illinois and tried to kill me." 

   It went silent. 

Then a new familiar voice said "Do you think we are the police? We completely understand if you don't." 

   I didn't know what to reply to them. I mean they sounded like the police, but were they the police? 

"I don't know if you are the police or not, but I can tell you that I need to get in that house and I'll do whatever it takes," I somehow said. 

 "My name is Katy and I used to live in that house but now your family lives there. I used to haunt you when you were born but since you've left I have been nothing to everyone in that house," said a familiar voice. 

   It was a living person that said they used to haunt me but that didn't have the same voice as it usually did. That had to be my babysitter that watched me while I slept. It was then and only then that I realized they had dogs trying to find me. I made a run for it but one of them shot me in the side of my leg. I fell to the ground. I sat there trying to be as quiet as possible but I had to take the risk of dying by ripping out the bullet they wounded me with. 

"We knew you were lying about your name!!! Now we have to kill you as soon as we find you," they screamed. 

   I couldn't take the risk of them finding me so through the pain I stood up and started running away in the taller grass. They kept hollering at me, but I couldn't hear them any longer. I sat down and tried to think of what I could do to heal my wound from the bullet. I tied to stand up but as soon as I did I passed out.......

 I think at some point I awoke to a little girl screaming and yelling ,"Please don't kill me!!!!!!" 

   I hoped they hadn't found me yet. When I saw my life flash before my eyes I wondered if I was dead or did I just pass out? I found out when I got my head dipped into a bucket of ice water. It looked like the neighbors that I had in California. They were wearing black ski suits so they wouldn't be seen in the dark I guess. I could tell that I was in a boat house. It looked like an amazing place to live but bad people lived there. There was a girl with headphones in and I tried to ask her where I was but she didn't hear me. I tried asking a little louder but she still couldn't hear. I suddenly remembered the bullet wound. I looked down to a clean leg that looked brand new. At first I thought that it had just been cleaned and healed but I looked closer and it wasn't even my leg. My leg was in a bucket of water with epsom salt. I could tell by the smell of the water. There was an elevator and a guard so they must have captured me when I passed out in the trees, but who knows for sure?

Authors' Note:

   This is the first book I have ever wrote and I am going to let my best friend Sugarfoot02 edit the mistakes, but she can't promise that it would be correct. I hope you enjoy the first chapter, my Bloody Angels.

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