Deal with it

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We were just about done with our concert. I opened my mouth to say goodbye when I was interrupted by my boyfriend and his beautiful voice.

"I have something to admit." He spoke into the microphone. My throat seemed to clog up and my breathing was no longer normal.

He stepped closer to me and interwined our fingers.

"What are you doing?" I said, and held my microphone at my side. He only winked at me, leading me to blush.

"You guys know that I love these boys very much..but one of them is...appealing." he says and smirks. The crowd goes crazy shouting out things like,

"Larry Stlinsyon" and

"zarry." And I can't help but smile when they say:

"NARRY IS REAL!" He waves his hands down in an effort to calm the crowd. After a few seconds, the whole arena is silent.

" in love with.." he says and takes a deep breath.

"A beautiful boy from Mullingar." He finally says, and I hear a collective gasp from our audience. Than a chant.

"kiss. Kiss. Kiss." They repeat like a mantra. He cups my face and presses a sweet kiss to my lips.

"Thank you guys for everything. Hope we have your support." I say and wave, before we all leave. Once our hands our empty, we hear cheers from the crew, and even our management.

"Sales just went up." Our tour manager says. It seems this would be easier than we thought. We all quickly change and head out, Harry holding my hand firmly.

"I love you." He whispers to me as paparrazi bombard us.

"I love you too." I say with a smile as we reach our car.


THANK YOU GUYS FOR READING THIS! Your comments, votes and just reading it was amazing. So glad you guys like this. maybe I'll write another one. Xxx Lupe

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