Dustin MilesxAgex
light brown hair that goes in his face, tan skin, dark brown eyes, a white long sleeve shirt, (part of the school uniform) baggy jeans, and a pair of black and white Jordan's,xPersonalityx
Popular, pervy, cocky, thinks he's better than everyone else, and not the brightestxSexualityx
girls, football, sex, baseball, boobs, video games, sex, and being dominatexDislikesx
school, being rejected, being told what to do, and girly stuffxOtherx
he's the football captainxScenariox
His couch tells him if he doesn't get his grades up he will be kicked off the team, so his the principal assigns him a tutor, but he doesn't know who it is. All he knows is that they have the same classes and that they have to meet at the table in the ISS room