DEC 10th

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She was far from it, but she had to try.

Kaylee was perched on her bed reading her bible, looking for answers to her sister's marriage. After she had searched the bible hopelessly without understanding, she dropped her bible and continued with her novel -red that she had not touched for days. Reading novels had always helped her forget the world. It was a portal to a fantasy world she be happy in and fall in love with the characters.
She was reading steadily, all the while ignoring the constant nudge she felt inside telling her she needed to do something more important. She needed to pray. Pray for her family and for herself. She had the dreadful feeling that something worse was coming. Something that would shake her and change her life but Kaylee was too engrossed in her novel to leave it alone. She went at it for hours until her phone pulled her out of the fantasy world Ted Dekker had created for her. She immediately identified the caller as Claire and sat up in her bed.

"OMG! Claire" Kaylee said excitedly.

"How is our baby doing?" Claire cooed.

"Ow I am doing fine. Although I am no longer a baby Claire. Yes you are the first born but this girl here is 22years"

"And I am 35years and Florence is 30 years. You are still our baby" Claire said.

"I still don't know why the age gap between you, Florence and I is so much. I mean, that must have been one serious family planning dad and mum where doing don't you think?" Kaylee laughed.

The line was silent for a few seconds before Claire responded awkwardly "Yeah!

Kaylee was about to question her when her sister caught her off "What am I hearing? Florence wants a divorce, when she will be due any minute from now?"

"so you heard" Kaylee said

"Of course she called asking for my professional advice on the situation. She said she wants Dapo to hurt for hurting her and she was looking to exploit him in the divorce."

Kaylee could not comprehend her sister Florence anymore "she thinks she owns the world! Dapo is already suffering. He has done everything to make it up to her but she's just being so difficult!"

"I know, I hope she would come back to her senses before it is too late. I told her I would not be her divorce lawyer because I am totally against the idea of divorce"

"Exactly" Kaylee agreed with her sister. "I am scared for her Claire. Dad will be so disappointed."

"Just dad? Mum will say a demon has possessed her and will probably call for fasting and prayers"

They both laughed at their mum "what is this I hear about you and mum?" Claire asked

"Please I don't want to talk about it. It may seem little to you but it is a big deal for me. I detest people making decisions for me or thinking they could rule my life. It is my life after all."

"I totally understand." Claire agreed but I think you should call home." Claire advised

"I have called dad. Isn't that enough?"

"Still I think-"

"How are your children? I miss junior and our little princess Carrie" Kaylee said changing the discussion.

Claire took the hint and just dropped it "please tell me you will come to Canada before you return back to Nigeria."

Kaylee laughed "That cold country, I am managing London but I will. I sure will"

"Okay, I've got to go." Claire announced.

"Love you." Kaylee called

"Love you more baby" Claire cooed before she hung up.

Kaylee was in a good mood. It felt good to talk to Claire. She was the ice that cooled her after facing the fire Florence poured but she loved them both anyway. They made her family perfect!
Thinking about perfect, Kaylee decided to call the only perfect thing her life had now- Seun!

In The Spirit Of Christmas #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now