DEC 24th

108 12 1

Kaylee opened her eyes, to the beautifully decorated room she was given last night. It had a warm deep red theme, with brown Paintings on the wall, a queen sized bed, heavy brown mahogany chest drawers to the side and a brown furry foot rug beside the bed. The heavy curtains were down, but Kaylee was aware that it was early afternoon. It was the best night she had ever had, regardless of the fact she just discovered she was or is an orphan.
She smiled to herself, as she thought back to the warm reception Seun's parents gave her. His mum had prepared chicken soup, which she ate with few slices of bread. They were also very understanding with her and ushered her to the beautiful room where she slept. And Seun? He was too charming and sweet to her, sitting beside her in the room until she slept.

Kaylee placed her hand over the spot Seun had sat on last night and smiled to herself. She felt like a teenager, who had finally gotten a date with her crush. Her lovey-dovey thoughts were halted, when she heard a knock on the door.

"Come in, the door is open." Kaylee raised her voice so that whoever it was, could hear her despite the enormous space the room had.

Seun poked his head in, as his lips curled into a big smile "Hey!"

"Hey" Kaylee replied. Unsure of what to say to him, now that there was daylight.

"Did you sleep well?" He asked, taking a place beside Kaylee on the Bed.

"Yes I did. I think it was the best I have had in a long while."

"Ow thank God then." Seun pretended to be relieved and Kaylee giggled in response.

The room fell in an awkward silence and both were eager to break it.

"So about the other day?" Seun began the same time Kaylee wanted to say something.

"You go first" they both said at the same time and laughed.

"Ladies first." Seun said gently.

"I just wanted to say, thank you for Yesterday. It means a lot to me that you were there for me."

"Please don't thank me. In fact, I should be thanking you."

"How? What did I do?" Kaylee chuckled.

"Well..." Seun began saying when Kaylee's stomach rumbled.

"Oh God!" she sighed in embarrassment. "Why was it so audible?" she grumbled and Seun laughed.

"We had breakfast about three hours ago, but I am sure mum would have something for you. She is so excited to have you. In fact, I am hurt" Seun placed a hand on his chest faking hurt "she is never this excited to see me you know."

Kaylee laughed "She loves you so much. I can see it in her eye."

"Obviously... I am the only child." Seun gave a duh? Look and rolled his eyes like a girl, which was very funny to Kaylee. "Okay, enough about me. Common, let's get you something to eat."

Seun got off the bed and stretched his hand out for Kaylee. She took his outstretched hand and Seun pulled her off the bed and into his arms. "What do you say- I carry you down stair?"

"NO! Please don't" Kaylee begged, but it was too late. Seun carried her up and threw her over his shoulders like a bride and hurried down the long spiral stairs.


"Morning sunshine." Dapo said, smiling down at Florence.
She rolled from her side to her back so that she was looking straight at Dapo.

"Morning." She murmured and Dapo leaned in to kiss her.

"I brought you breakfast..." He announced cheerfully. Florence peered over his shoulders and saw the nicely toasted bread, with a steaming cup of Tea placed on a tray, which was on the night stand. She immediately sat up and smiled cheekily at her husband.

In The Spirit Of Christmas #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now