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I got this off the internet might change it enjoy
I woke up with a sudden pain it my stomach. I didn't know what was happening. I held my stomach and groaned. The turn to my side. I felt Niall rub my back. What wrong babe? I don't know but there is sharp pain in my lower stomach. I whined " is it that time" no this is different "then go to the doctor I can make appointment" Niall said reaching for his phone. I had gotten up to walk into the bathroom thinking that I needed to go. Niall got off the phone and said you have appointment at 10:00 come back to bed and I will rub your tummy.

Natalie came walking down to the bedroom she stumbled into why are you up so early baby I said she was rubbing her eye making her way to the bed. The sun woke me up. She crawled up between me and Niall. Watch out sweetie mommy tummy hurts.niall warning her he lifted up your shirt and kiss it. Then when on my side I played with her hair until she went back to sleep  I got up to get ready for the doctors. Got in the shower and put my hair up you heard Niall do you want me to go then you seen Natalie sleeping on her dad chest. No I will be fine.

Is at it the chair when I went in the made me to a couple test. A couple moment later the doctor came back flipping through some paper then said that you were pregnant again they made you do a pregnancy test and it came back to be positive. You got home and seen Niall and Natalie eating breakfast at the table. You came in and said Niall can I talk to you you a minute I am pregnant. For real I am going to take a test for sure. You ran to the bathroom to see if you were. It had to take a couple minutes or so Natalie had to go the bathroom you were in there for awhile the results came in it was positive.  You told Niall to tell Natalie some how. She had no questions.

Niall imagineDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora