Meeting the boys

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It was not Natalie first time meeting the boys you where huge about to have the baby any days now. You were in you space up above of Liam's. But Natalie and Niall were on the small couch. And you woke up Niall did the same you went in the back of the bus to watch some tv. Then Louis woke up to used the bathroom. But just then you felt some thing down your leg you steamed so now all the boys and Natalie were up you went up to go in the bathroom with Niall there were no options so Niall had to to help with all out it my himself you tried to stay calm. Just then there was a baby boy in your hands you didn't know what to name it because you didn't want to know what the gender was. You heard knocking from outside of the bathroom door it was Natalie you let her in her eyes lighted up of joy to see her new brother. The other boys wanted to help you guys to name him Liam came up with the perfect name Logan mace Horan.

Niall imagineDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora