Chapter 14

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WARNING: This chapter is rated PG-13.

Chapter 14:

I stared at the text. My body was screaming YES on the inside, but should I? I don't know what to do? Ugh! Should I ask Ziva? I think I should. Okay, here goes nothing,"Could I go to the movies with a boy in my grade tonight?" I asked as she stared at me in disbelief.

She was driving a car and was staring at me. Really! Who the hell does that? "Ziva! Eyes on the road," I shouted in warning at her. Wow! She is such a bad driver. I can't believe that she actually got her license!

I stared at her," Are you going to answer my question?"

She sighed. "You can go, but I'm driving you there and back understood, and no funny business," Ziva glared at me.

"Got it!" I promised, I'm overjoyed at the moment. I can't believe that I'm going on my first date.

"What movie are you seeing?" Ziva asked me, hoping that it was appropriate for my age.

"Monsters University," I replied.

Ziva let out deep breath of relief, that the movie wasn't above PG-13. I couldn't help, but grin. The rest of the car ride was a blur, and before I knew it we were home. As soon as we walked into the house, Ziva was bustling me into the shower. She mumbled to herself about how much work needed to be done to get me ready and stuff.

I took my shower, and then remembered that I was going to tell the NCIS team something. I was going to tell them that I knew Petty Officer Cooper. I will tell them tomorrow. I don't want to damper my happy mood for the date.

I got dressed into white short shorts with a pink and white striped tank top. I put hair into a ponytail, and headed into the kitchen were, stood a waiting Ziva. She did my makeup, and we were out the door to pick up Noah.

The car ride to Noah's house was awkward. Ziva kept on telling what to do and what not to do. It was getting really annoying. I was about to say something rude to Ziva, that I knew that I would regret, but still she was annoying me. We pulled into Noah's driveway. Thank God! I don't think I could have stood another second of her "parenting". We waited for what felt like forever, Noah finally walked out of his house.

Handsome doesn't sum up how good he looked. He was flawless. Noah was wearing a black v-neck t-shirt that showed off his amazing abs, with cargo shorts. He is SO cute. I am so happy that I am dating him. My heart skips a beat almost every time I see him. I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't notice that Noah was sitting next to me in the back of the car. I was about to say 'hi' to him, but no he tazored me. I screamed a girly scream and faced him as I shouted,"What the hell was that for?"

"I wanted to get your attention," he replied sheepishly staring down at his feet, trying not to make eye contact with me.

I sighed. Ugh! It was so hard to stay mad at Noah for any length of time. He is just...too cute to stay mad at him for long. So I leaned over and gave him a little kiss on the cheek to help cheer him up.

He looks up at me and flashes me his Cheshire Cat grin, and starts to lean towards me. Our lips are just inches (centimeters) apart when Ziva does a little tut tut. We both look up and I bet that we were both blushing a deep shade of red. Then I realize that the car had stopped moving and that we are at the movie theater. "We're here," said Ziva. She then started lecturing Noah on not to get me into trouble and a load of other crap. All I heard was Blah! Blah! Blah!

Ugh! Could Ziva go any slower? I really needed to talk to Noah since I'm not going back for school for a little bit, I need to know what has been happening which would then lead to the case. Which in Ziva's eyes was a big no no. Since as they believed someone in my school was the killer. Finally Ziva stopped talking to Noah and turned to me,"Do you promise me that you won't do anything stupid?" She asked me seriously.

"Yes, I promise, Ziva," I answered.

Ziva's response was a nod of her head letting us know that we could leave now. Noah was out the door in a second. I couldn't help, but giggle because I think that Ziva scared him a little bit. The next I knew Noah had opened my door and offered me his hand. I gladly excepted it. He is such a gentlemen.

We walked into the movie theater and bought our tickets. Then we bought a bag of popcorn. I love popcorn! It is just so salty! I love it! So we find our seats in the theater and there is a long gap of silence between us. I decided to break the silence,"So how are my tormenters?" I asked Noah trying to get some sort of small talk going.

"Well," he started scratching the back of his head.

"Well what?" I asked.

"We'll they haven't been to school since you went to New York," he answered quietly knowing that I was intimating him.

"What!" I exclaimed, I couldn't believe it why the hell weren't they at school. Now I was getting suspicious of them. There was defiantly something that they were hiding from the school.

"I love you, Kate," said Noah trying to calm me down, running his hand down the side of my face.

'What,' I thought, this is so unexpected. I love him too. He brightens my day, an every time that I see him I just want to be closer to him. I thought that he loved, my sister, Casey. I guess he loves me more then. "I love you, too, Noah," I reply, as we move closer to each other.

Noah wraps his arms around my neck, and our lips finally meet. Sparks fly through my body as our lips touch. It is the best feeling in the world. The kiss is a passionate one. Being here with Noah made me feel safe and be worry free. Then he broke away from me. Well that just hurt. I thought that he loved me, and I wanted it to never end.

"Why did you stop?" I asked with a hoarse voice and the pain showed through my voice.

"Well, a guy has got to breath," he answered jokingly and he too had a hoarse voice.

I laughed, he really knew how to make me laugh. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and we watched the rest of the movie in silence. When the movie finished, we walked out of the movie theater, straight over to Ziva's car. Even though I had to go to the bathroom. As soon as we got into the car Ziva asked,"Did you two have fun?" She was staring straight at me. Oh crap! My makeup must be messed up from the kiss, I'm skrewed. I deserved a Gibbs head slap. I judged nodded my head to answer her question.

The car ride to Noah's house didn't take that long and I mumbled a goodbye to him and so did he. Now I knew I was skrewed, but before she said anything there was smoke in the distance and we saw several police cars zoom by. The look on Ziva's face told me that something was wrong, but I pushed it to the back of my head.

We pulled into the driveway, and she turned around so that she was facing me. "Did you enjoy yourself more than you should of?" She asked me knowing that I knew that she knew that I kissed Noah.

"Yes," I admitted, letting out a small sigh as well.

Ziva just smiled at me. I guess she wasn't mad at me. Thank god! I thought I was going to be grounded for sure. I defiantly got off easy.

We walked into Ziva's apartment, and she turned on the TV. She gasped at what she saw on the TV and dropped the remote.

"Ziva, what's wrong?" I asked running to her side.

"Nothing," she replied picking up the remote and turning off the TV before I could see what was worrying her. "How about you go to bed?" She suggested trying to get me out of the room.

"Sure," I answered slowly walking down the hall towards my bedroom. I wonder why Ziva lied to me, I knew that something was defiantly wrong.

When I got to my room I just flopped onto my bed back first, thinking about the day. The kiss. How I loved it, I never wanted it to end. I finally fell into a peaceful sleep.



A/N: I am so sorry for not updating for so long. I was on vacation. I will be updating more often. I hope you guys liked it! Please tell me if it is good or bad! I will take criticism! I want feedback! Please VOTE, FAN, and COMMENT!





~Twilight26 :D

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