Chapter 5

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Chapter 5:

When McGee said that, DiNozzo blurted,"Maybe this has to do with the classified infor...." His voice trailing off when Ziva shot him a"shut up now or I will kill you" glare.

I'm thinking, 'what are they trying to hid from me and why are they?'

Then a new person walks into the squad room and says coldly,"I need to talk to you Gibbs."

"Yes Director.", replies Gibbs walking towards the stairs that led to the Director's office, I'm guessing.

The thing that the Director says next shocks me so much,"You too Kate.", turning around following Gibbs.

I stand there shocked for a second, and feel then I feel a nudge on my shoulder. I turn and see Ziva pushing my towards the stairs. Soon I'm running up the stairs and soon catch up with them. We walk into the Director's office and he takes his seat behind his desk and offers us a seat.

I shake my head. I'm too angry to sit down while Gibbs takes a seat. Then Director Vance speaks,"Gibbs, Kate is not allowed to know any details of this case is that clear."

"Yes sir", replies Gibbs smoothly before giving me an apologetic look.

"What the hell! Why can't I help? This is so not fair! I was able to remember the damn license plate!", I yell at Vance angrily.

I don't hear what Vance says next because I break down in tears. Gibbs comes over and rubs his hand on along my back just like my mom use to do. Thinking of this I cry even harder.

Why can't my life go back to normal? Why did this have to happen to me? Why me? These questions were running through my head a million miles a minute.

After 5 minutes I calm down and take the seat the Director offered me when I first came in. The Director turns to Gibbs and says,"Do you think that Kate would like to take a tour of NCIS with Miss Sciuto?", turning to me then turning back to Gibbs.

"I think she will Kate's favorite subject is science, isn't that right Kate?", Gibbs asks turning to me.

"Yeah it is and who is Miss Sciuto?",I ask turning to the Director.

"She is the forensic scientist.", the Director replies promptly.

"What!?!", I shout jumping out of my seat,"I want to become a forensic scientist when I get older!" I am about to burst with excitement.

"We'll then you two are going to get along perfectly then", says Gibbs chuckling.

"Can I go now?", I ask barely able to contain my excitement.

"Sure why not.", replies Gibbs glancing at The Director.

He nods his head before turning to Gibbs and saying,"Get to work on your case."

Gibbs gets up to leave, but I'm out the door running towards the elevator. Once I'm inside I hit the down button. When the elevator doors open I'm out the door and into Miss Sciuto's lab.

I'm greeted with loud rock music and see a goth girl in a lab coat. I think to myself,'That must be her.' I walk towards her and hold my hand and say,"Hello Miss Sciuto."

She whips around and runs towards me and gives me a big bear hug. She cries out,"You must be Kate! I'm so sorry for your loss."

"So am I.", I reply back sadly, "Director Vance said that you would be giving me a touring NCIS."

"Yeah sure let's head to autopsy first.", she replies back before saying,"Call me Abby."

"Ok Abby.", I reply smiling this is the first time in a while that I have smiled.

We walk towards the elevator while Abby asks,"What do you want to be when you grow up?"

Wow I am getting this question a lot before replying,"I want to be a forensic scientist acutally."

Abby goes nuts before saying,"I'm going to teach you everything I know about forensics."

At this time we have reached autopsy. We walk through the sliding doors to see I short man in his mid 60's.

Abby shouts," Hi Ducky!"

"Hello Abby.", the man named Ducky replies before turning to me and asking,"Who may this be Abby?"

"Oh yeah this is Kate, her family was murdered.", blurts out Abby before giving me an apologetic glance.

"Oh is she down here to say goodbye to her family?",asks Ducky.

"No the Director wanted me to give her a tour of NCIS."replies Abby.

I don't hear Ducky's reply because on the steel tables I see my family's dead bodies. I couldn't take it anymore. I feel myself feel lightheaded before I faint.

I wake up several hours later on the floor in the squad room to see Ziva staring at me. "What happened?"

"You fainted when you saw the bodies.", she replies looking at me with concern on her face.

"Oh." Sitting up, I looked at the computer and saw that it said 5:00 PM. Wow, I was knocked out for like 5 hours.

"Abby never did finish your tour, so would you like to see the last place?", Ziva asks before helping me up.

"Sure, where is it?"

"Upstairs.", she replies before heading towards the stairs.

I follow her up the stairs to a door that has an eye scanner. Ziva scans her eye and the door unlocks. She lets me go in first. I look around in awe. This place is awesome! I turn to Ziva and ask,"What is this place called?"

"It's called MTAC.", she replies.

Then I see Gibbs, McGee, and DiNozzo talking to a person on the screen. I catch pieces of the conversation," He was handling classified information and his death had to do something with Kate's family. It says there was a test of some sort." That was all I was able to catch before Ziva ushered me out of MTAC realizing her mistake.

When we are out of MTAC she asks,"Did you hear anything?"

"No", I lied.

"Good now let's good and get some dinner."

"What's for dinner?", I ask.

"Pizza", she replies.

Yeah I think to myself I haven't had pizza in ages. We eat at 6:00 PM, and I eat a whole cheese pizza by myself. Sorry I was starving. By this time it is 7:30 PM. I want to stay up, but I'm exhausted. I go over to Ziva, who is at her desk, and sit on her lap (I know what you are thinking but I am really tired.) I fall asleep on her lap hoping for peaceful dreams.

A/N: I hope you like it. Please tell me if my story is good or bad. Please Comment, Vote, and Fan!

~ Twilight26

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