Chapter 27-Jake and Stephanies' Wedding

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After the wedding ceremony everyone headed to the Weddings reception. Did i mention that Rodrick was here? Yep...i mean him and Jake are still friends so i don't mind....much. I sat in between to my James and Jake. Jake of course sat with his wife...i have a sister!! In-law.....

"I would like to make a toast" i turned to see Stephanies' dad standing up holding his glass of champagne. "To my daughter" he looked at Stephanie. "And my new son-in-law Jake" he smiled at Jake. "I hope they have a life lasting marriage and many memories" he nodded his head to them and they both smiled to eachother. They began to play soft music as people talked amongst themselves.

"Mommy?" i looked to my side and saw Dían.

"What's wrong?"

"Bathroom" i sighed and slid out of my chair.

"I'll be back James" i grabbed Díans' hand and walked out of the reception area. We walked down the hall to the bathrooms. I saw someone walk out of the mens bathroom and sighed. Rodrick. He smiled at me and i forced a smile back.

"Ki hey i knew you were here" he pulled me into a hug.

"Yea" i hugged him.

"Hey" he said to Dían. She just hid herself behind me.

"She's shy"

"I see well i'll see you around"

"Yea" He smiled walking away. I walked with Dían into the bathroom and she went to one of the stalls. I checked my makeup and Dían came out. She washed her hands and smiled to me. I shook my head and grabbed her hand. We walked back to the reception area where i saw Stephanie and Jake having their dance. I could tell it just began because nobody else was going out to dance. I took Dían back to the little kids table and went to sit back down. A hand grabbed mine and i turned to see Rodrick...again.

"Can i have this dance?" he smiled.

"Uh you know im with James right?"

"Just a friendly dance" he smiled.

"I don't think i should..." i said apologeticly.

"Come on James won't mind me and him never had any fights anyway" he pulled me towards the dance floor. I looked to where James was sitting and saw him shaking his head. Rodrick placed his hand on my waist as we danced. "So how has everything been with you?"

"Uh good...what about you?"

"Well it's goin' great." it was pretty quiet but i was so happy when James walked up.

"Can i steal my Fíancee for a bit?" he smiled at my thankful look.

"You two are..?" Rodrick looked at me.

"Yes ....let's dance" James pulle me away from Rodrick. I smiled as he pulled my hips to him. I wrapped my arms around his neck he pecked me on the lips. I smiled as we danced to the music. When the song ended James went to go dance the next song with Stephanie. Jake found me and i danced with him. In a brother sister way.

"My brother....married you know i have a good mind of saying i told you so?"

"Told me when?"

"When we were im saying 15? 16? You said you won't ever get tied down....i told you to just wait.."

"Yea okay you told me so" he chuckled.

"Yep i know"

"So my sister.....engaged?"

"It was bound to least you get to carry on the family name...." i sighed.

"Yea Mrs. Soon to be Johnson"

"It does'nt sound perfect but it's good for now...Kiona Johnson..."

"Yea whatever" he chuckled.

"So your thinking of having a family?" i asked him half surprised.

"Steph told you huh?"


"Yea but im just hoping for a boy"

"But she's not pregnant yet?"

"When she is"

"Oh....." i chuckled. The song ended and everyone was talking dancing or eating.

After about an hour Jake and Steph were off to there honey moon.

"Bye guys" i smiled hugging them both.

"Bye sis" Stephanie giggled being pulled away by Jake.

"That will be us one day" James smiled holding Dían while i had Díanna.

"I hope"

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