chapter 9

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After every pony went home, me and Holly were stuck cleaning up the party scraps.
There were cups,food, and decor strung all over the field we used as the party grounds.
"Its getting late" I stated the quite obvious.
'Yeah" Holly sighed." Maybe we should call it a night. "
"Ok you can go ahead and go
I'm gonna sick around a while "
"Ok" she said followed by a yawn.
"See you tomorrow, Merry Christmas" She trotted off.
As her hoof steps got softer, i noticed the shadow of what looked like a stallion. His deep blue hair swaying in the cool winter breese.
I walked over to the pony and sat dext to him. All he did was turn his head to look at me.his emerald green eyes
locked with mine, i freeze. Nothing
happens untill 5 minuites later.
He broke the what seemed like an eternal gase and looked at the pond.
The reflection of the georgious christmas moon sparkled over the surface of the lake. But in his eyes
I saw....... sadness.
"Whats wrong "i said.
I learned over the years to know when some pony was telling the truth and when they wern't .And he wasn't.
"Ok, first of all, your lying,and second.." i paused.
I got him to look at me for the first time since our long good stare at each other.

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