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Hey guys i hope you like this book and enjoy it. Sorry it took me sometime to write. Also hoping for some feedback, thanks (•¿•) enjoy. -note from author I don't see him anywhere, should just leave but I want to know what connell ment. No, I'll see him later at the woods I know he'll be their. I should probably get to the foster home, to see those papers I got from my old home.
I look in my closet and get out the suitcase I had when I visited my old home and took out everything laying it out on the bed. I stacked the papers my father had in his drawer and put my mothers papers in a pack.
"Angus, you didn't tell me you were making friends already, I'm so happy for you." Sarah said smiling as she entered my room.
"Your friend connell is here to see you." Sarah answered. "He came here asking about you so I let him in." She said with a beautiful bright smile, moving from the doorway and there stood connell. She let him in then left.
"What you working on?" He asked."this is stuff I got from my old house, just going through it to see what my mom and dad where working on...want to help?"
We started going through my dads stack of paper, their was a folder and inside was drawing of a beautiful young girl, her hair was dark black, and her eye's were gray colored.
"Who is this lady?" Connell asked.
I flipped the picture over and the name said beauty.
"Beauty" I say.
"Beauty!!, I know this girl." Connell screamed in excitement and take the folder.
"How do you know her?"
"Well I heard of her name but I never seen her face before, my grandma before she died she told my about a story of a girl name beauty. See right here." I moved over by him to see what he was looking at."beauty lead a group called "devotion" this group couldn't get alone with each other so the population was sinking and dying. People wrote that the Gods above seen what happened and sent an angle to save them, which the angle was beauty... But others wrote that she was something different becaues if she was an angle she would of had white hair instead of black. But she's the one that made this group grow, when she found out that she couldn't have kids she disappeared. Once that happened many thought she abandoned them so many left. While others stay and prayed that she'll return but she never did."
"...do you think my father was looking for this girl?" I ask.
"I don't think, I know he was, see hand my another folder." I hand him a folder out of my mother's stack of papers. As he opened it, we seen another photo of a girl that had blonde hair, whiched reached to her ankles, and blue eyes that look muched like the ocean water. Flipping the drawn picture the name said diff. The papers inside read information that contained her past life and some kind of place called " scientific experiment lab."
"It says here that diff lead her village, when war was about to occur and settled down, later on dissapeared, but was counted as a hero to the village." Connell said going through the foilder. "But the strange thing about it is that it says something about this place called " scientific experiment lab." He finishes.
"Hold up" I got up and called Sarah.
"Wassup!!" She called back.
"Can I use your laptop?" I asked her when she peeked around the corner.
"Its for homework!" I said quickly.
"Oh okay. My lab top is on my desk."
"Okay, connell I'll be right back" I walked into the hall and turned to the door that had the name Sarah on it. When I opened the door to get the computer I came face to face with a buff, tall, blonde haired and gray eyed boy.
"Who are you?" He ask me before I could say it.
"I'm Angus, who are you??" I asked now.
"Angus?, humm"he said my name like he was testing it. Then he smiled which made me jump. "Hi, I'm Conrad. I'm a new volunteer here and also connell brother." Now that last sentence really made me jump and how was he able to volunteer here, he's like my age, usually people wouldn't choose a place to work with a bunch of kids that had more problems than 1 season of a anime show.
"Brother?" I questioned.
"Yeah, he never told you about me, he told me about you." He answered rather proud than furious. Brother? Brother?! He never mentioned a brother.
"I'm sorry he never did, I never even knew he had a brother." I said a little loud.
"Just like him, now I know you are talking about connell. Anyways it was nice to meet you for the first time, connell didn't want me to meet you." He said saddening.
"Why?" This was first surprising, now its getting confused. He looked down to his shoes, It was quite for a while, either it was that he was coming up with a lie or he was waiting for me to tell him he didn't have to tell me.
"I want force you to tell me anything"
His head shot up when I told him that, again he smiled but this time showing his white, even teeth.
"Why are you smiling?!" Getting annoyed from his very perfect smile, that fit his face making him look very adorable.
"It's nothing... Can you show me to my brother?" He said still smiling.
"Sure, but how do you know that he's here?" I walked into the room and grabbed the computer, and felt eyes watching me.
"Well, I was with him" he said in a duh tone, following me out into the hall and to my bedroom. When we walked into the room connell looked up then back to the paper he was reading, like we weren't even there. What's with that.
"Um....so I got the laptop so we can search up that place" I finally said noticing that Conrad was looking to his shoe's. That didn't work connell is still not speaking including Conrad.
"Am I missing something here?" I begin to say. Connell looked up.
"What are you talking about?"
"I never knew you had a brother. Why didn't you tell me about him?"
I said not angry at all but I don't know how this friendship thing is suppose to go. "Caues I tried to forget him." He answered with a slightly laughter. Conrad's face shot up and stared with anger, and my face was filled with surprised. But now this is a total different person, what happened between he and his brother.
"What lie did you tell Angus?, and why are you here?" Connell asked Conrad
"I came back here to get you" Conrad's anger disappeared.
"Why would you do that?"
"I saved you once I'll do it again if I have to"
"You, save me!ha...ha,you make me laugh. You silly Conrad." Connell laughed awhile.
"I saved you because I was told, brother." Conrad seriously.
"Brother! Ha... No your mistaken" Connell playfully laughed.
"Why did you run away?" Conrad frowned. Connell stop laughing.
"Why didn't you come along?, instead of wasting your time find dead corps's."
"I'm tired of this new person you have became!" Conrad yelled.
"If you are going to do what I thank your going to do stop! Don't you dare!" Connell yelled back.
"Zygan!" Conrad yelled. Connells hair turned blonde and his right eye turned grey, the other turned to that ocean blue color.

One Who Cared *Uncompleted*Where stories live. Discover now