--how they knew me--

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Yeah people know me as the boy that should of died in a car accident, and watched his mother and father die in front of his face. Then losing grandma died in the same year. They say that i was cursed and no one should go near me or they would die terribly. THEY DON'T KNOW HOW IT FELT, THAT NO ONE LOOKED OR TALKED TO ME. AS I WAS INVISIBLE. NO ONE WAS THERE FOR ME!!!
My parents worked and worked, trying to find something that isn't their. That's what I believe. They were trying to find people who disappeared a long time ago I forgot who tho. But we had went out for something to eat, they found out that my mother was pregnant again. We were going back to the house, but something ran in front of our car making my father, who was driving, tryed to dodge the thing in the road,I didn't see it I was in the back seat. But as the car tryed to turn when my father turned the wheel , he turned it again and that's when the car flopped over twice. Making me black out from hitting my head on the car door. When I sort of awoken it was unclear what I was looking at, I was still at the back in my seatbelt with the car flipped over, but my mom and dad were out of the car on there knees with there hands on top of their heads. There as a big truck that was behind then that probably pulled up when I was knocked out, two people were out the truck and had something in there hands, they were guns. They pointed the gun to my mom and dad and shot them both, I didn't here a sound, I think it was because my ears were bleeding.
"Nooo!!!" I shouted and got their attention. They walked over to me and pulled out an needle and at the end of the needle was some liquid substance. They grabbed my arm and sticked the needle in my arm making me begin to feel dizzy and fall asleep.When woke up I was in an hospital bed getting medical attention. The doctors asked me questions about what had happened where were my parents and they told me same people found me in the middle of the road unconscious. I cried till I couldn't cry anymore, which made the doctors go away and call my only family member I had, my grandma. But my grandma died within the same year leaving me behide alone to suffer. After there I was put in a foster home and everyone talked and talked, even when I went to school.
--how school was--
I was different and scary to people, people tryed not to stare at me or talked to me. When I walked in school people stared for a moment then the would sometimes run away or go back to what they where doing. Mostly when jocks was bullying someone when he seen me he would run. This all happened when I was mentioned as the death kid. The stupid school came up with that when they heard about my family. Sometimes it felt good people running away from me but it begin to feel lonely no one to share my pain with not even a one person. So I just stucked with my loneliness and when ever I get the chance out of the foster home I would run deep in the woods and sit by the tree, that was by the river full of cold clear water. It was my favorite place to go, so quiet and peaceful. Animals would gather around me and without even seeing if I was dangerous, they would hop on me playfully. So I begin to play with them and talk to them, when they make there animal sounds I knew exactly what they were saying, I could sort of talk to animals. I'm glad I could now I'm not alone, it feel's good.

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