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Dan lies, awake, staring at the ceiling of his room. ' I wonder what would happen if I were to die' he thinks. He even begins to try and imagine what people would do and how people would react. Dan has done this with many different scenarios, ranging from winning the lottery, to his parents dropping dead.

He imagines Phil, lying in his bed crying whilst being embraced in a hug from a crying Carrie, the scene soon changes to Chris and PJ in the lounge staring at nothing sitting side by side. The simple  thought of him leaving his friends, fans, and family is keeping him up.

In reality just In the other room Phil lies in his bed, just drifted asleep curled up in his blankets. All is silent in the Phan household. Suddenly the silence is broken by a loud whimper. Phil shoots out of bed praying to god he isn't going to walk in on anything and barges into Dans room.

He sees Dan bolt upright, clutching at his heart, with a look of fear upon his face, Dan is gasping for air while Phil frantically runs to get his phone to dial emergency services.

Dan can hear Phil crying down the phone in the other room in hopes that help will arrive soon. Phil walks back into Dans room and begins to comfort him as much as he can. Phil can't seem to get Dan to breathe properly, and he too is panicking.

When there is a knock on the door Phil runs to it flings it open leading the emergency personnel to where he last saw Dan, struggling to breath, only this time he wasn't greeted by a face full of fear, or a person clutching at his heart but by a still body with one hand on his chest, not breathing. Phil is distraught he's curled up in a ball  in the corner of the room crying clutching onto Totoro.

A hand clasps onto Phils shoulder, " we've managed to resuscitate him and semi stabilize his breathing but we will need to take him into hospital, do you want to come in the ambulance?" The ambulance officer says. Phil meekly nods getting up placing Totoro down on the bed.

During the time he had been crying and not paying attention they had put Dan on a stretcher and had put an oxygen mask on him to keep his breathing as stable as possible. Phil miserably follows behind, climbing into the ambulance sitting on the end of the stretcher beside an unconscious Dan.

What he realized in that moment was that he loved Dan, and not in a friendly way, Phil realized he was in love with Dan, and he couldn't bear to lose him, if he did his life wouldn't be complete. Phil hadn't even known he was Bisexual until now. He still found girls attractive and has liked girls in the past but to Dan, no one, or anything could compare.

Dan's eyes begun to flicker, and in that moment Dan reached out to grasp onto Phils hand before closing his eyes again. Dan wanted someone to hold him, to comfort him, he knew Phil would after all they were best friends, Dan was in love with Phil but felt as if Phil wouldn't and couldn't love him back. Dan was bisexual, and had been for years, Phil knew that, but Dan had been having more and more girls come back to the flat, Dan on the other hand thought Phil was straight as a metal ruler, there had never been any indication that he wasn't.

They soon arrived at the hospital, Dan got wheeled through A&E with Phil hurrying behind. They soon had placed Dan in a room attached to many tubes monitoring his breathing, the ambulance officers had left Phil alone with Dan and that's when he begun to talk.

"Dan do you want to know something? I realized today I'm not straight, I'm bi, because I'm in love with you, deeply in love with you and your brown alluring eyes, your soft hair, and everything about you, flaws and imperfections, they all make you perfect to me, and I love you I don't know how I didn't realize sooner I love you Daniel James Howell, and you better not die on me" Phil finishes with tears silently streaming down his cheeks.

Not a moment too soon Dan's eyes begin to flicker open. Dan notices Phil and smiles slightly. "D-D-Did you hear that" Phil stutters.

"Hear what?' Dan mutters confused.

"Do I really have to say it again?"

"Considering I have no idea what you said I would presume yes you do"

"okay basically I'm bi and in love with you" Phil says looking down.

Dan slowly looks up "Really?"

"Yes" Phil mutters shamefully, afraid Dan will leave, Phil would rather be friends with Dan and see him each day than Dan know how he feels and never see him again.

"Well I am in love with you too" Dan says confidently trying to catch Phil's eyes.

Phil slowly looks up with tears still streaming down his face "you're not kidding?"

Dan gets up pulls out each one of his tubes removes the oxygen mask, making the alarm go off, but he couldn't care less.

Dan hobbles over to Phil and lifts Phil's chin up placing a hand on each side of Phil's face"I am truly in love with you" Dan says pulling Phil's face towards him and kissing him.

Just then the nurse breaks in and sees the two kissing she awkwardly hurry's away without them noticing.

"Get your oxygen mask back on" Phil says when they part trying to pull Dan back to the bed. Dan re grips Phil's face, "I don't need that if I have you" he says leaning back in to kiss Phil.

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