D.O.- it all started with a kiss Part 2

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You woke up and looked around thinking where am I ? Good morning y/n. You heard a guy's voice coming from the bathroom. You got up and went to see who it was, you pecked out a little and saw D.O. you, you were relieved that it wasn't someone else. *knock knock you walked towards the door and opened to your mother-in-law.  good morning did you sleep well is all you could say. Good morning to you too. Quickly and come down for breakfast she turned and walked away. You closed the door and looked for something to wear, you looked and looked but you found nothing all you could find where long sleeved shirts and pants. You closed the cupboard and walked to the bathroom and started washing up. D.O. looked down at you asking what's wrong? Sighed I think I should introduce myself more. Why? D.O. asked Because they don't know anything about me ok try to keep up 1. I don't eat sea food
2. I can't and never will wear anything long, and number 3. Is I can never ever touch alcohol or it will be.....
Be what ? he asked
Be messy is all I can say.
You walked towards your cupboard and picked out a shirt and pants, you looked at them and wondering what you could until it popped in your head you grabbed scissors and started. You cut off both of the arms, cut shirt into two so it could show your stomach, you moved onto your pants. Cut the pants into two and made them into shorts. You put them on and you looked at yourself in the mirror and put a thumbs up. WOW what did I just walk into D.O. said while walking towards you. Hurry lets go down stairs you dragged D.O. Eomaninem~ When is auhbonime coming down stairs? You asked Oh he went to work early because of a emergency. Ok. You started eating and 20 minutes later you were full to the Max's. You didn't want to get up and go to work but you promised your grandpa that you will work at his company and take over but the company is a bi- no no no is a lot of underrated fans. We only get 4-7 people walking in through that door a year. But then I thought that since I'm getting married I can take a day off and spend that with Eomaninem. You grabbed your phone and said I will not be coming today, but if there is an emergency call me straight away ok, Ne the vice-manager said. You put your phone down and said "Eomaninem~ today you and me are going to stay together for the whole day ok. WOW it's my first time going to the shops with a girl that has great taste in fashion. Thank you Eomaninem. D.O. called you to the side just for a second. This is the money for my mums shopping you don't need to spend a diamond on her ok. No I asked her to go out to spend my money on her ok, D.O. grabbed your hand and gave you the money , well take these just in case. Ok But exactly who much does she spend? I'm late for work bye Oh by the way can you do me a favour, Sure what is it? When I came back I need to find you in a handok( traditional Korean dress) Why? Because we have to great the elders today before our wedding. True I forgot to ask you when is the wedding? Tomorrow. WHAT!!  T-t-tomorrow what about the dress how comes no won informed me the date of the wedding. I did but you were asleep haha bye. D.O. ran out the door as fast as lightning. OH MY GOD so you're saying in having the wedding without my parents. Y/N lets go Eomaninem said. Oh lets go. You are at the mall walking around until you heard THEFT!!! you looked and saw a guy running with a purse in his hands. I asked Eomaninem to hold the bags, I walked in the centre of the hallway, the theft stopped running and looked at me. Get out of the way women !! He said WHAT W-WHAT WOMEN  you know I have a name. What's that I your hand? He didn't say anything I turned him around asked for him to hand me the bag  No he said. Come on I'm with my mother-in-law want this to be done nice and easy ok. GET OF ME!!! He chucked my hand off of his shoulder. YAAAA Look you have to choose easy way out or the hard way. Show me what you got he said ok put the purse down and get ready to fight ready, set, g- I cut him off wait any parents here with children please close there eyes. Ok GO!! You kicked him in the stomach,legs then he took over he just kept throwing punches at you but you ducked each and one of them, then you punched him hard in the face. You went on top of him and reached for your pocket and said " you are under arrest for fighting with an cop and stealing Show me proof he said you want proof you took your bage out of your pocket and showed him. You got up and stood up with the theft, you dust yourself and look up and find D.O. your eyes wide open and you let go of the theft, you noticed after 0.01 seconds you walked closer to D.O. put your hands on his shoulders toke your high heels off and back kicked the theft in the stomach and he fell to the floor. You put your heels on and looked at D.O. 👋 Hi~ you turn around and saw the police running towards the theft, opened your eyes wide and panicked you looked left, right, up and down. You couldn't be bothered running so you decided to go up you told all the people to say you didn't see me ok 👌. You asked the people near the wall to get out of the way. You chucked your heels in the store in front of you and ran I the wall and stayed there. The police came and caught the theft and pulled him of the floor Do any of you know who did this? They all ran away. You were losing the gripe. You wanted them to hurry up and leave. Your eye sight was getting blurry so you shock your head oh not now please hurry up and leave after 3 minutes they left. And that's when your arms and your body gave up. D.O. looked up and saw you give up. You fell into D.O.'s arms and fainted at that second. YAAA wake up, he laid  you down on the floor and looked all over your body. He saw something red on your legs he asked the girls who own the sheet store too bring three large sheets Why? They asked Because I'm going to cut her her clothes. Up the sheets go. D.O. took his jacket off. You were still awake but you just drowsy from the pain your hands were on your stomach. D.O. cut open your skirt not all the way just half way. And saw lots of blood. He stood up with his hands covered in blood. Call the ambulance and Oh omma Come here I need your help. She came running to him. She looked at you and went to the floor. Mum if there is this much blood coming out what does it mean?. She i-I-is p-p-pregnant. D.O. looked up at his mum and was in shock. From how much blood there is I guess she is 3 months pregnant. Y/N did you know we where pregnant? You nodded in pain. PLEASE SAVE MY BABY while holding D.O.'s arm. D.O. looked over the sheets and saw the ambulance running towards him.  Ok we will save the baby and you ok so just stay calm. He asked one of the ladies to get another 2 sheets. She handed it over to D.O. He wrapped you up in the sheets and carried you over to the bed the ambulance brought. Omma I will go with her ok you just go home. Let's go D.O. said to the doctors. At the hospital. You opened your eyes little by little and then opened them in a flash while putting your hands on your stomach. D.O. came in through the doors and saw you awake. Oh your awake, what happened to my baby?  you said while getting up. Everything is okay the baby is Fien and healthy. I know this is not the time to ask but who's the baby's father? You looked at your stomach and took the biggest breath in and said its one of my d-d-dads. D.O. with his wide eyes open as if he saw a horror movie. See when we first meet the guys running those two are my dad. They were running after me so they could take me to the hospital and give an adoration. So they didn't want the baby at all. But if you know you were pregnant,why did you fight with the theft D.O. asked. Oh my body was kind of trained by both of my dads to fight who every is causing crime. So my body just went for it. *knock *knock *knock coming D.O. said. They opened the door you waiting to see who it was. They came walking with your eyes wide open like never before. As they came closer to your bed you grabbed D.O.'s arm and moved your whole body next to him making shore that both your dads could not touch you. What's wrong? D.O. asked. They are my dad's. D.O. got up really quickly and asked them to leave before he calls security. Why call security for? Dad k said D.O. pressed the button and asked for security ASAP. W-what d-do you want? You asked. Nothing can't I see how my daughter is doing. He said while he was about to touch you until D.O. grabbed his arm and said no one touches my wife but me you understand. Ok ok but let me say one thing to her. Don't forget how you killed your mother don't forget how you nearly killed me. As he said the first line you blocked your ears crying like crazy while rocking you're body saying I didn't kill her, I didn't kill her over and over agin. The security came running in and grabbing the guys and dragging them out. D.O. pressed the button agin and asked for the doctors ASAP. The doctors came running in while D.O. is trying to clam you down a bit. The doctors put a needle in and you fell asleep while slowly saying "I didn't kill her".

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