Chapter 1

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When someone first finds out they can see something others can't, most people say she's crazy or she's just trying to get attention. But for me, I'm neither of those two. I know I'm not insane and I definitely don't want attention drawn to this. What is this, you ask? It's quite simple actually. I see people's auras. How someone's character is. An innocent child would be White. The key word, innocent. I should probably be a detective but then I think what if they ask how I know. I couldn't tell them, they would deem me a freak and send me away. It all started when I was just 8 years old.


I woke up to the sunshine; it was a gorgeous summer day. I woke up facing my mirror and I was White. I wasn't sure why but I brushed it off and went downstairs without another thought. After all, I was only 8 and I didn't analyze things like that just yet. When I went downstairs I started freaking out, "Mommy, Daddy, you're Blue! You're both so Blue!"

"What are you talking about, honey? We're Blue? Do you mean that we're sad, or do you mean that our skin is blue? Because your mother and I are perfectly white. Trust me, we are not aliens." He winked at me.

"No, I mean you are literally Blue!" I sobbed.

"Okay, okay, Michelle, we can go to the doctors right now."

We went into our Traverse and drove to the doctors. The whole way there I kept crying, "Blue, Blue, my parents are Blue." My mother kept trying to calm me down but when we got to the doctors I had to cover my eyes because everyone I saw was Blue, except for one person. He was Red. I didn't know what that meant until now. But, I covered my eyes because I was frightened by all the people being Blue. When the doctor came to look at me she asked me to open my eyes and I was saying, "No, no, I don't want to see anymore Blue." She told me if I didn't open my eyes I wouldn't get better. So I opened them. She took a couple looks and ushered my parents outside. I didn't know if it was bad or good. I glanced over and saw a cup. Grabbing it, I listened in on their conversation.

"What's wrong with my daughter's eyes? Is it a type of disease and if so, a curable one?" He wasn't yelling but I could tell he was mad.

"Well, I'm not quite sure because their doesn't seem to be anything wrong with her eyes at all." Everyone went quiet. I heard footsteps coming to the door and I quickly put the cup back and sat in my chair.

"Come on Michelle, we're done here." I put a confused look on my face. "There's nothing wrong." Even though I knew that already I was still frightened, although, I had gotten used to the colors.


When I was 10 I had figured out there were four different colors. There was White, Yellow, Blue and Red. I had made a list of what the different colors were and who would usually be what color. Children, like me would be White until they become teenagers. Most of the teenagers I saw growing up were Yellow. A few were Blue, but the ones that were Blue were usually older, like 16 and up. I quickly learned to stay away from those that were Red. I was only 14 at the time and it was the worst experience of my life.


I was walking home from a friends house and it was close to 10. It was pitch black and the only thing I had on me was a cell phone. I completely forgot to ask for a flashlight but I didn't think it was that big of a deal considering I've walked home from there a thousand times. However, this time was different. I was walking down the street when a Traverse pulled up. I figured it was my Mom because of the type of car but I was horribly wrong. It pulled over and I walked towards it not taking a second thought, until I saw him. He was not anyone I knew and he was Red. I ran as fast as I could. He got out of the car and started to run after me.

I ran like my life depended on it until I fell. I sprained my ankle and had to limp while I was running which made me half as fast. When he caught up to me I screamed. Luckily, I saw a cop car but my attacker must not have because he whispered into my ear, "I'm going to have fun with you." Screaming again, the cop car turned but turned off the headlights. I wasn't sure why until he explained to me. He parked and turned off the car. Slowly walking towards me, he quickly handcuffed the attacker before anything could happen. My attacker went to jail for 10 years. Ever since that night I have never gone towards a Red or walked to or from anyone's house at night.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2013 ⏰

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