Happy Birthday

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The air it's always the air. Black thick air that was billowing into room. My name is Alan Hunter and the year is 2205 July 4 exactly 46 years from the accident. Today I wake up to Alarms blasting in my ears. As I look around the smoke is seeping in through the vents. I quickly pull out a roll of duct tape and close my vents afterwards I tape the gaps preventing all air from coming in my RESP plant should keep me alive in here for up to 62 hours.

I wake up to thud thud thud on my door I keep quiet. I move swiftly to grab my rifle and hunting knife ready for a fight. Thud thud thud. Alan are you in there I he a familiar voice call out. I open the door and close it again quickly. Brooklyn what are you doing here? Happy 17th birthday! Wait todays my birthday! Oh come on cus don't tell me you for got your own birthday. From behind her back I see the gleam of meatal as she pulls out a hand crafted stainless steal hunting knife. My name etched in to the side, the blade is bright green black and grey. I pull Brooklyn into a hug.

We both jump with a loud bang boom bang bang bang gun fire I shout. Brooklyn pulled out her small make shift revolver I made her for charismas, a long with a small switch knife blue at the handle and in purple her name on the side of her blade. Thud thud thud. A deep voice growls we know your in there let us in and give us your supplies so no one gets hurt. We yell go away. Then he yells then I have no choice and we here ssss then BOOM! followed by ringing. As a young man 19 maybe 20 yells your stuff now! I shout back how about you take it. Just then boom boom as Mark blast in to the room his semi-auto rifle blazing. As he yells cover me! I open fire, with my tin rounds hitting a guy in the shoulder he falls to the ground. He shout pull out, a storms coming! Then my alarms go off. I pick up the door quickly. I shout blow torch as I begin to hammer the door back in place Mark through me a blue canister with a black neck. I melt the hinges back together an seal the door.

Later Mark begins to freak-out as we realize the RESP plants are meant for 1 or 2 people not 3. This means we have 12 hours of air left. 11 if you keep hyperventilating Brooklyn yelled at him. Brooklyn your bleeding I almost yell at her why didn't you tell me. She states that its a small cut. But is shallow gash down her leg about 13 inches long. I run and grab my first aid duffle bag. My specialty is being a medic fallowed by hunting. I do hunting for both me and Brooklyn as she is only eight I make her cloths and food and she makes me tools and weapons. As I'm patching her up she mumbles under her breath that she's fine. I say you would be but be just had a breech so it could get infected.

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