Chapter 7: Coral Bells (Challenge)

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When Ieyasu left, Alba walked up to the Sawada Household, knocking on the door.

There was a soft shuffle of footsteps before the door opened.

"Ara?  Who might you be?"

Alba quickly texted on his phone and held it in front of her face.

*Konichiwa, madam.  I am one of the tutors on the flyer that was put in your mail this morning.*

Nana's eyes switched from confusion to surprise then joy; the brunette woman squealed.

"Oh my!  You look very young!"

Tsuna sighed mentally in relief when he noted that he was at least half a foot taller than Nana; the brunet smiled.

*Thank you, madam.*

Nana pouted.

"Now, now~you can call me Maman!"

Alba drew in a soft, sharp breath.


Nana smiled brightly before tilting her head.

"Ah, what might your name be?"

*Croce Alba.*

"It's nice to meet you, Alba-kun!"

The brunette didn't mind the fact that the other couldn't speak, nor did he show the rest of his face; Nana simply thought that the boy was shy.

The brunette woman ushered Alba in, telling the brunet that she would prepare a room and some tea.

Alba stood there at the doorway after taking his shoes off and setting it to the side.

....I'm home....



"Kaa-san!  Save me!  There's a crazy man after me an--ack!  You're that guy that disappeared like a magician!  Hiiiiiiieeeee!"

Alba chuckled as he calmly sipped some green tea from the cup that Nana had offered him.

*We meet again, bambino.*

Ieyasu blinked confusedly at the words on Alba's screen.

"Eto...what does 'bambino' mean?"

"It means 'child' Dame-Ieyasu."

The blonde's warm, brown eyes widened to the size of saucers; Ieyasu quickly scrambled forwards and hid behind Alba's chair.  The blonde poked his head out from his hiding spot and 'hiiiee'ed.

"I-It's y-you again!"

Alba glanced upwards and saw Reborn at the doorway, smirking evilly.

Alba sighed as he quickly typed on his phone.

*'ve already scared the boy that much already?*

The hitman made a poker face.

"Why wouldn't I?"

Alba raised an eyebrow beneath his hood.

*Just what you'd expect from the demon hitman...*

Reborn smirked once more before grabbing Ieyasu by the scruff of his school uniform.

"Let's go to your room, Dame-Ieyasu." The hitman tipped his fedora as a greeting to Nana. "My name is Reborn, I am the other half of the tutors that will be helping your son."

The brunette blushed slightly and smiled.

"Please take care of him.  And you can call me Maman."

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