Chapter 5: Rosemary (Rememberance)

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Tsuna hopped from tree to tree before stopping on one of them.

Past the leaves, he could see a certain elderly man with two Guardians at his side, and--surprisingly--a familiar hitman, and a blonde.

The brunet pulled his mask over his face--right now, he was Alba.

He jumped off of the tree limb, landing in front of the small group.

The men quickly went into a defensive stance--except for the old man and hitman.

Alba lit his middle and index finger with orange flames; the old man gasped softly.

'Sky flames?'

The brunet quickly wrote in the air.

*You have asked for me. Now I am here. Your wish is an alliance, Vongola Nono?*

That snapped the old man out of his stupor.

Nono smiled warmly to the other.

(O.D.D.- Gomen if I'm confusing you all with the languages. Right now, they're speaking in Italian. _;))

"Yes. We wish to make an alliance with you. We'll provide you with more information, weapons, and anything else that you might need."

Alba stood there for a few seconds before flickering in front of Nono; Coyote and Viscont--Nono's Storm and Cloud--grabbed their guns.

But Nono waved them off; his Hyper Intuition told him that he wasn't in any danger.

Now that the brunet was closer, Nono could see the warm, sunset-orange eyes that people have rumored about.

Some have called the young hacker-assassin the Protettore, or the 'Protector', because of his kind actions towards the weak.

Alba glanced at Reborn, who was staring curiously at him, before looking back at Nono; he wrote in the air once more.

*I...have a family myself.*

The others blinked in surprise as Alba continued to write.

*It is small...but they are strong enough to protect themselves. What I'm asking what you will do about it.*

Nono understood the brunet and looked him in the eye.

"I will not cause harm to your family as long as they don't harm mine first. If my own family causes harms to your's first, then I will take full responsibility--I promise you this on my title of Nono over Vongola."

Alba stared into the other's eyes before stepping back slightly; there was a small smile on his lips.

*I see...thank you...*

The brunet reached into his pocket, causing some to stiffen, but he simply pulled out a small plant.

*A rosemary of 'remembrance' for our promise, Vongola Nono.*

Alba burned the spice in his hand, and its fragrance filled the air.

The brunet glanced at the CEDEF leader for a brief second; he felt the hate directed towards him.

'Huh...I'm probably reminding him of the son he abused and left to die in favor for his younger son.'

Alba tugged his hood back on as he wrote a few more words in the air.

*I will help when you request it. You know how to contact me.*


Alba inclined his head and paused.

Nono smiled a bit sheepishly to the other.

"Besides helping us hack and fight against enemy famiglias...I need you to help Reborn train the Vongola Decimo, Sawada Ieyasu."

Alba paused; he still wasn't facing the other.

After a few seconds of silence, the brunet quickly wrote in the air.

*...I accept the mission.*

Alba then let Mist flames surround him; he disappeared from their sights.


Tsuna took his mask off once he appeared before his mansion.

The brunet grimaced slightly at the deal he made with Nono.


Tsuna sighed as he entered the large building, pushing the doors open.

"Kufufu~a rough day, Tsunayoshi-kun?"

The brunet sighed as he walked into the living room flopping onto a couch.

"You have no idea..."


Tsuna opened his eyes and found a certain purplenette holding a tray with three cups of coffee.

The brunet smiled gratefully and took one of them.

"Arigatou, Chrome-chan."

The other mug was taken by a gloved hand.

The indigonet smiled at Chrome briefly before taking a sip; his heterochromic eyes looked at the brunet across from him.

"What's wrong, Tsunayoshi-kun?"

The brunet sighed.

"...I made an alliance with Vongola, Mukuro-kun."

The indigonet narrowed his eyes slightly.


"Yes, Iemitsu is in that family."

Mukuro's mug cracked slightly as a dark aura surrounded him.

Tsuna sighed and released his Sky flames in response; it immediately calmed the indigonet.

"No thoughts of revenge for me, Mukuro-kun. As long as we don't attack Vongola, they won't attack us. Think of Lambo-kun, I-pin-chan, and Fuuta-kun."

Mukuro glowered at his cup before sighing.

"You are too kind, Tsunayoshi-kun..."

The brunet smiled sadly.

"I have too much blood on my hands already--I would hardly call myself ki--"

"You did it to save Chrome, Chikusa, Ken and I from the scientists. Do not blame yourself."

Chrome nodded in agreement, sitting down next to Tsuna, resting her head against the brunet's shoulder before intertwining her fingers with his; it was her way of showing comfort.

Tsuna sighed shakily, glancing at his free hand.

"....I can still feel the stains..."

His sunset-orange eyes met with Mukuro's red and blue ones; the indigonet placed a hand on Tsuna's head, ruffling brown locks.

"I will take some of your burden, Tsunayoshi-kun."

"I will too, Boss."

Tsuna chuckled and smiled at them.

"Grazie, Nebbia." (Thank you, my Mist.)

Mukuro and Chrome merely smiled in return as they spoke at the same time.

"Niente per il nostro Cielo." (Anything for our Sky.)

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