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Tamara gets a sickening feeling in her stomach and her wrists start to ache a bit as 1000 ways to die rolls on and on and time goes by slowly. She glances over at her boyfriend, Myle, who is having a great time watching it. She blinks back a few tears and faces the t.v. again and sighs loudly. This catches Myle's attention and he turns to his gorgeous girlfriend. "What's up baby girl?" He asks softly.

She shakes her head. "Uhm, nothing.." She says back to him, trying to pull a smile on her shaking lips.  He nods silently but doesn't wuite believe her but turns away anyway. Tamara let's out a yawn and stands up. "I know it;s kind of early but I want to take a nap."

"Want me to come up with you?" Myle asks her as he glances up at her precious face. the face he loved ever so dearly and the face that would make his dark days go bright. The face he loved to see smile and the face he hated to see cry. She nodded and held out her hand as he grabbed it in his. "Alright, babes." Myle smiles down at her and gives her nose a quick kiss before leading her up to her room. They make it up to her room and she throws her self on her bed. Something clicks in her mind and she begins to cry softly again as she brings her hands up to her face to hide her tears. Myle sat down beside Tamara and put an arm around her shoulder. She resisted his every touch, not wanted him to hold her. Her wrist hurt alot and evey move he made it hurt even more. He grabs her hand and she looks up at him and uses her arm to dry her tears. The sleeve rolled down a bit and the bandage was revealed. Myle glanced down at it and his eyes widened. "Tamara... What's this?" He grabbed her other hand softly and rolled down her sleeve only to reveal the entire bandage, it was covered in dark blood. He slowly unravled it and almost cried when he saw the cuts and the scars that were deep in her wrists. "Wh-what.... Why?" He pleads at her. Her eyes looked away from him and he kept on pleading. "Baby, why?"

"This way I have control over the pain I feel inside." Tamara never turned to face him, not even once as a tear trickled down his cheek.

He quickly swept it off his cheek with a finger as he continue to stare her down. With one more glance down at her wrist, he spoke spftly, "How long has this been going on since you felt this way? You got me here feeling so damn helpless!"

She turns to him and says "It's been a while, I guess I needed better luck."

He stands straight up and looks down at her, tears flooding his eyes as he yells at her. "Baby never cut!"

She winces a bit and turns away yet again. "I'm sorry!"

"Don't be sorry, just don't do it!" He cries loudly as he drops to his knees by her and grabs both her hands. She blinks back tears and looks at him slowly. "Baby please!" he begged her.

"O-okay... I promise." She said. She truely tried to keep her promise but with her luck that probably wouldn't last before she slid the razor against her wrist again. She layed down on her bed and layed on her side as Myle slide beside her and faced her. They looked at each other and myle gave her a kiss on the lips and she smile a bit. the first real smile all day. "I love you." She mumbled to him in a shaky voice.

He smiles and kisses her again. "I love you, too." She shuts her eyes and drifts off into a sleep. She awoke moments later with the love of her life laying beside her. He wasn't sleeping, but instead just smiling at her. "Why, hello." He grins at her. Tanara blushed lightly and burried her head into his chest. He wraps his arms around her and laughs a bit. She pulls him close to her and Myle kisses her forehead before his phone buzzed in his bak pocket. Tamara slips her hand down and grabs his phone and then brings it up and looks at it. "Oh, I think that was my timer." He chuckle as Tamara showed Myle his phone. He nodded. 4:58. He had to go to work. He sat up and let go of his girlfriend. "I'll be back later on tonight, if not, I love you and I'll see you tomorrow, beautiful." He goes over to her door and Tamara runs over beside him. She grasps his hand with her small hand. They both walked downstairs, hand in hand, and made their way over to the door. "Remember your promise beautiful." He said and gently kisses her scarred and cut wrist. "No matter what, you are perfect!" He said before turning aorund and walking out the front door and running down the road so he wouldn't be late.

"Okay!" she hollered to him and waved as he ran. Once he was out of sight, she shut the front door and walked over to the couch where she finished up the last bit of 16 and Pregnant. The next show that came on was Toddlers and tiaras. She hated that show so she turned off her tv and went into the kitchen to grab some food. She hadn't eaten anything all day and she was famished. Her gray tabby cat rubbed against her shins, begging for the meat Tamara was holding in her hand as she layed it on the slice of bread the got out for a sandwhich. Looking around stealthily, Tamara dropped the meat on the floor and her cat, Prince, at it. She giggled as she watched the finicky boy eat, using his tongue to scrape up the meat. "Oh Prince." She lightly pat his head and scratched right behind his ears, right where he liked it.

The front door creeked open slowlslowly and Tamara glanced up, only to see her father standing there. "Hi, pumpkin." he said happily as he walked in, holding a bag and a box with holes poked in the side. She cocked her head and walked over then froze when she heard soft whimpering. She opened her mouth to speak but her dad stopped her. "Now, before you say anything, you must know your mom doesn't know."

Tamara smiled widely. "Oh you got us a puppy!" She couldn't stop her self from jumping aorund and clapping her hands like a four year old girl.

"Tamara." Her fathers laugh boomed.

Tamara stopped and looked down at the ground, embarressed. "Sorry." She mumbled and she crossed her right foot over her left one.

He ran a hand through Tamara's hair and ruffled it. She growled playfully at him before he spoke with a chuckle. "Wanna see King?"

"How cute. Prince the cat and King the dog." She smiled then knelt down infront of the box. "Yes please." She added in quietly as her father knelt down beside her and opened the box. he stuck both his hands in a pulled out a gray, white, black, brown, and orangish german shepard/pitbull mix. Tamara gasped as she saw the beautiful creature in her fathers hands. "Oh wow!" She reached out her hands and took the dog from her father. "Hiyya King." She giggled and then rubbed her nose against the dog's.

The dog licked her face with a wet tongue. "I think he likes you." Her father smiled.

Tamara looked up at her father and blinked back happy tears. "He's perfect dad." She smiled and put the dog down. King ran off making the father and daughter laugh quietly. "Well.." Tamara yawned. "I'm going to bed, night." She stood up along with her father and gave her father a kiss on the cheek before running up the stairs and into her room. She gets in and shuts her door, but not before King runs inside with Prince chasing after him. The gray tabby jumped on the puppies back and layed down, curling up in a ball. King stopped moving and looked at the kitten sleeping on his back. He made a soft bark ad then liked the fur ball and the lay on the ground, right there with Prince still on him, and shut his eyes and drifted into a blissful sleep. Tamara couldn't help but smile at this. She pet her cat and then her new puppy and then crawled into her bed and tuggedthe covers over her self. Tamara shut her eyes hoping that tomorrow would be better. 

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