After The War

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After the Battle of Hogwarts, everything seemed absolutely perfect. But, its Wizarding Law that all witches and wizards must have seven years of proper eduaction. Harry, Ron, and Hermione need to go back to Hogwarts and complete their educations

"I don't want to go back to bloody school!" Ron moaned as he read the letter that a brown Tawny owl had delivered to him that morning. Hermione was gripping her letter, reading it over several more times before speaking.

"I'm glad that they brought this to our attention! How awful would it have been to miss a year of education?" Ron rolled his green eyes at Hermione's foolishness.

"What's all the blabbing about here?" Harry walked in, smiling at his two best friends with his arm around his ginger girlfriend, Ginny's waist.

"We have to go back to school to complete our seventh year of education! Wait- that means we'll be in school with you, Ginny!" Hermione squealed, as she ran over to Ginny and they exchanged girly hugs. Ron and Harry rolled their eyes and started complaining about how terrible it was while Hermione and Ginny had some time to talk.

"I'm so excited, I was worried about being away from Harry," Ginny whispered to Hermione, glancing at Harry, who was tearing up his letter with Ron. Hermione smirked and replied, "That means more private time for me and Ron, too." Hermione but her lip as she stares at Ron, she was head-over-heels in love with him. But she was too nervous to kiss him for a second time. The only time they had kissed was during the Battle of Hogwarts, and it was the most special moment of her life.

"I know how much you'd love to kiss him again," Ginny whispered into Hermione's burning red ears. Secretly, Ginny was thinking of all the things she would do with Harry. Late night dates by the black lake, passing notes in class, make-outs in the Room of Requirement, and-

"What do want to do with Harry?" Hermione asked, cutting off Ginny's daydreams.

"Oh, um, haven't really thought about it," Ginny lied.

Meanwhile, Harry and Ron were sharing a conversation on the other side of the burrow kitchen.

"Dude, imagine the things me and Ginny could do!" Harry said to Ron, holding out his hand for a high-five. Ron didn't high-five back.

"If you're thinking about...erm...doing 'it' with my sister, you're crazy!" Ron grumped, crossing his arms. Harry lowered his hands.

"No, absolutely not," Harry mumbled, peeking over at Ginny. While Harry was turned away, Ron took the opportunity to think about Hermione. She looked insanely beautiful, even just wearing jeans and a maroon v-neck. No, Ron wasn't staring at her breasts that peeked out at the tip of the v-neck, but just her face. Ron so badly wanted to run up to Hermione and kiss her full on the lips, just like the Battle of Hogwarts. Ron would spend hours in his room, reliving the kiss in his memories. He loved Hermione, there was no denying it.

These days, it seemed all the four teenagers could think about were their true loves. Secretly, both Harry and Ron were really excited about going back to Hogwarts and spending quality time with their sweethearts.

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