After the War- In the Morning

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"Ronald Bilius Weasley, get up already," a tired Mrs.Weasley whisper-yelled in her son's ear. Ron flinched but stayed put, groaning. Harry and Ginny were doubled over laughing, taking turns smacking Ron with rolled up sections of 'The Daily Prophet'. Ron moaned and put his orange pillow over his head. Hermione just stood at the doorway, clutching her grey suitcases in her hands. She smiled to herself, knowing Ron wouldn't get up, and that when he'd pack, he would forget his socks. That's why Hermione had two pairs of wool socks tucked away in her suitcase.

"Today we go on the train, Ron," Ginny yelled, "Wouldn't want to be late, would you?"


Harry and Ginny exchanged high-fives as Ron stumbled out of bed in a tee shirt and plaid bottoms. While Ron stumbled into the bathroom to wash off, Harry and Ginny snuck into the backyard. They needed a little private time before the train.

They ran out the back door, hand in hand. They then went behind their favorite tree, the one they'd always go behind in the summer to get away from Ron. It was a huge oak tree, with a large trunk. They plopped on the grass and looked at each other.

"Don't tell Ron, but I'm actually glad to come back to school," Harry whispered, looking deep into Ginny's green eyes.

"And why is that?" Ginny smirked, inching closer to Harry. Harry then leaned in and started kissing Ginny full on the lips. Ginny kissed back amazingly, wrapping her hands around Harry's neck. Harry grinned in the kiss, and snaked his arms around her waist, Ginny pulled herself closer, loving every minute of the kiss. Slowly, Harry pulled Ginny up on his lap. She smiled and continued to kiss him. Harry stuck his tongue through Ginny's parted lips and she responded by doing the same.

"Erm- Ginny?" Hermione's voice rang through their ears. They quickly pulled apart and jumped up, brushing themselves off. They looked at Hermione with a mix of anger and curiosity. Hermione never interrupted them.

"I'm really, really sorry, it's just we have to go now, it's almost eleven," Hermione looked sorry, but you could also see a small smirk on her face.

"Well, at least it wasn't Ron who came to get us," Ginny said, smiling in relief to Harry and Hermione.

"That's the spirit, Gin!" Harry laughed, pulling Ginny closer and planting a kiss on her cheek. Hermione's face twitched with jealousy. No, she didn't want Harry, she wanted that kind of relationship with Ron. Harry and Ginny were very awkward around each other in the past, but now they were the happiest people ever. Harry was no longer nervous to make any kind of move on Ginny, they were in love, and Harry wasn't his awkward old self around her.

Hermione turned to walk to the car, and left the giggling couple behind. Mr. Weasley opened up the trunk of the new Ford Anglia, which was a lavender color this time. Ron tossed in a large maroon duffel bag, and then helped Hermione with her multiple suitcases.

"All you're taking is that duffel bag? What about your books? Honestly, Ronald," Hermione said, shaking her head at Ron'a foolishness. Ron laughed,

"I don't need like eleven bags, Hermione! Boys don't pack twenty outfits, we pack like two. All my books fit." He laughed and squeezed Hermione'a shoulder. Hermione smiled and blushed when he wasn't looking.

Soon, Ginny and Harry successfully stuffed their bags in the full trunk, and they were off. Except this time, Ron was driving. Mr. Weasley taught him how to that summer, and he was going to take a muggle driving test soon. Harry sat in the passenger seat and turned up the radio. The new hit single by the Weird Sisters, 'Love On The Pitch', blasted through the speakers. They were ready for another year at Hogwarts.

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