After The War- The Train

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"Anything from the trolley, de- oh my!" The old trolley witch that works in the train gasped when she saw who she was serving.

"Oh, darlings it's so good to see you all again," She wobbled over them with her arms out wide for hugs.

"Harry, dear," she whispered as they embraced, "Thank you."

Harry could feel tears in his eyes. He had received many thank-you's but not as sincere as this. She whispered it to him, just him. After they broke apart the old woman smiled warmly and said, "The usual I presume?"

She handed a pack of blue Droobles Gum and Every Flavour Beans to Ron, Sugar Quills to Hermione, Pumpkin Pasties to Ginny, and three Chocolate Frogs to Harry.

"You know us too well," Ron said through a mouthful of beans. The woman beamed as she watched them open their candies. Harry then started fumbling in his pocket for some change, but the woman held up her wrinkled hand.

"It's on the house." Harry smiled warmly to her and waved. She waved back, and pushed her old trolley to the next compartment.

"I love that woman," Ron mumbled, gnawing on a buttered popcorn mean before putting his arm around Hermione. Hermione smiled and snuggled into his chest, things were falling into place.

"Hey have a look at this!" Harry shouted out, holding up a blue Wizard Card from the Chocolate frog box.

"What is it?" Ron asked, cocking his head and biting into a large wad of Droobles. Ginny whipped the card out of Harry's hand and held it up to her face to read it.

"Oh my God!" She shrieked, bouncing out of her seat.

"What is it?" Ron and Hermione said at the same time. They looked at each other and laughed, blushing.

"Harry's got his own Wizard Card!" Ginny spun around and held the card to her heart.

"Read it out loud," Harry smirked, nodding towards Ron and Hermione's gaping mouths.

"Harry Potter, also known as the 'Boy Who Lived' and 'The Chosen One', was born in 1980, and his parents died when he was one. His parents were killed by the evil dark wizard, Voldemort. Harry is the only one to have survived the killing curse, which Voldemort casted on him. Harry also competed in the Triwizard Tournament at age 14. When he was 17, he destroyed Voldemort once and for all, saving all wizards," Ginny ended by giving a watery-eyed smile to Harry. He smiled back at her, and she said softly,

"My boyfriend is a hero." Hermione smiled warmly at Harry, and Ron gave him a hearty round of applause. Harry beamed, nodding to his two best friends. Ginny sat back down next to Harry and snuggled into him. He cradled her in his arms, watching Ron and Hermione give him looks of happiness. But Ron and Hermione were both jealous of their relationship. Ginny must have gotten a hint from Hermione, because she then said,

"Hey Harry, let's go out to the back and get some air." Harry nodded, and they walked out holding hands, leaving Ron and Hermione alone in the compartment.

Ron turned to Hermione and held out a box of Bertie Bott's.

"Want some?" He asked, a mouthful of his own. Hermione smirked at him, "Of course, Ronald."

Ron's stomach knotted up. He absolutely adored it when Hermione called him Ronald. It turned him on so much. Hermione must have caught on, because when she was getting a candy, she nervously made her thumb lightly graze the thigh of his jeans. Ron gulped, staring at Hermione as she chewed. Hermione looked up to meet his gaze and smiled while chewing.

"Hey Mione?" Ron asked, watching Hermione blush immensely. She did love it when he called her Mione.

"Yes, Ronald?" She bit her lip. They needed each other so badly in that moment.

"I'm still going to need a lot of homework help this year," he croaked out, leaning into her face. Hermione wiped her mouth from any candy and leaned in, breathing heavily. They were so close....

"Hi Ron, Hermione!"

They quickly jumped away from each other, looking up to see Luna standing at the edge of the compartment door.

"Erm- Hey Luna. How are you?" Hermione asked, filled with sadness.

While Luna and Hermione chatted, Ron was thinking about how badly he wanted to punch Luna. She had interrupted a perfect moment he and Hermione were sharing. They could've kissed a second time. Ron felt angry tears forming in the corners of his eyes.

"I need to use the loo," he lied, trudging out of the compartment without a second glance at Luna or Hermione. Ron stormed past compartments of cheery students, growling as he passed. He wanted to kiss Hermione do badly it was killing him. Luna had ruined it. 'Damn her,' He thought, stomping towards the last compartment. When he reached it, he looked in the window... It was occupied by Harry and Ginny. They were nuzzled together, both smiling. Ginny's eyes were closed and she appeared to be sleeping. Harry was slowly cradling her in his arms, kissing her head. Ron had his face pressed against the glass, watching every second. If Harry were to touch Ginny in an inappropriate way, he was ready to attack. Suddenly, Ginny opened her eyes and popped up out of Harry's arms.

"RON YOU BLOODY STALKER! YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE WITH HERMIONE," shrieked Ginny, using her wand to draw down the curtain on the compartment.

Disappointed, Ron walked back to the compartment where Hermione and Luna were, and fell asleep in the corner.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2013 ⏰

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