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My name is Peggy Carter. I work for the SSR, America's premier covert intelligence agency. During the war I fought side by side with Captain America. We defeated the enemy but I lost the love of my life.

Only he hasn't exactly left me...

He returned a few days later. It was a Sunday morning,  I was ironing my blouse while Colleen was fast asleep, snoring and coughing away like a frail newborn kitten. The first beams of sunlight shone through the window and into the dusty room. Steve stood there like something divine, he seemed to glow with the ochre light. He wore his dark green uniform, his golden hair shimmered, his blue eyes never seemed so vibrant and vivid as he smiled, stretching out his arms to hold me. Without any thought, I embraced him. I fell through him and onto the floor instead. The heavy thud of my fall woke up Colleen, who rushed to get me back on my feet again. I told her frantically between the tears, "Look, Colleen! It's Steve! He came back!" She looked back at me perplexed. I lifted my head and saw that Steve was gone.

It continued like that for the next few months. Sometimes I'd see glimpse of him as a stranger on the street, sometimes he'd appear in the room, then disappear again once Colleen came back. At work, he became my companion during the long hours of solitary filing and paper work. He'd lean his tall frame awkwardly against a filing cabinet, his arms folded, ever vigilant as he watched me pour over the endless sheets. I never questioned how or why he was here. In some strange and peculiar way, his mysterious presence comforted me.

But despite all his visitations, the first time he talked was when Howard Stark was accused of treason.

Agent Carter: Something That I Can't ReachWhere stories live. Discover now