wow ok

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so a couple of nights ago my boyfriend added me to this group chat his friend bob had started because this annoying kid billy had kicked him out of his group chat (all names are changed lol). bob kept changing the name of the group chat to a whole bunch of things, one of which referred to a girl who was rumored to be pregnant. so just to be an asshole, my boyfriend added her and her boyfriend and she said "just so you know [her boyfriend] isn't the father" which inadvertently confirmed that she was pregnant, and then my boyfriend added beeb, someone he thought would get along with bob, and they did get along, except beeb started hitting on derpina, and then someone added derpina's boyfriend-- jeez, it was wild. then beeb shitposted a whole bunch of stuff, including this picture that was like "if you punch a baby enough times it turns into skittles", which the pregnant girl took as a jab at her pregnancy.

and i walk into history today and someone's like "did you guys hear about the group chat" and i was like dude i was in that group chat it was wild

edit: bob is already in a shit ton of trouble and suspended so i have no idea what this is going to do for it

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