Interview With Hallio

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-Hellooo, there! What's your name? 

Hiii! *waves at the computer screen like a freak* My name's Hally!  :D

-Tell me about your username. Is there a meaning behind it? 

Alright, well, my username is Hallio and yes, there is a meaning behind it.  My friends have been calling me that for two years and there used to be a little saying that went along with it, but I've forgotten it by now.

-Do you strive for awesomeness in your About Me?  

Lol, of course I do, but I don't think it will ever get there.  Writing about myself is definitely not my thing.  I really can't even write about any other real-life people.  Just fictional characters that I create.

-What's your favorite letter? Why?

Hmm… I would have to say A, just because it's the first letter in the alphabet and first is usually the best!

-If you could meet any celebrity, who would it be?  

Umm, that's a tough one, I would love to meet so many but if I had to pick one, I would pick Josh Hutcherson and I came pretty close to meeting him too!

-How does music effect your writing abilities?

Without music, I probably would never have any ideas about what to write so music HUGELY affects my writing abilities.  I couldn't live without music and it's totally inspirational to me while I'm writing.  Half the things that I write are completely inspired by music because I'll be listening to a song and then a new story idea will hit me.

-Have you met anyone special on Wattpad?

Umm, I'm not very social on this site but I would really love to be.  I would say Paiggers, but she's my real-life best friend and I kinda forced her to make an account and I don't think that counts.  Hugz4life101 is also really high on the list, but again, I didn't meet her on this site.  I met her on another site where we were both writing.  The only people that I can really think of are the fans that I have who totally support me with everything that I write and talk to me all the time when I'm on.  Those of you who I'm talking about probably know who you are.  (:

-If you could publish a book or poem, would you? 

I'm not sure because I would LOVE to do it to become a famous author, but I wouldn't want any of my friends and family to see my work because they're always very critical of me, so I would IF no one that I knew personally would get to see it.

-What are some of your Wattpad goals? 

I would love to get 100 fans and 500 votes and get at least one story to the front page of the What's Hot list, but I don't think that will happen because there are so many other great stories out there that are MUCH better than mine!

-What would you like to tell your awesome fans? 

I would love to tell all my fans that you guys are amazing and sooo supportive and I wouldn't be where I am without all of you guys!  So please, continue to support me because it really means a lot!  I love you all!

Interviews With Wattpad Writers: Edition 1Where stories live. Discover now