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The same day, at around 7:15am

Charley noticed that her boss himself was running a bit late and hurried into the building before he noticed her. She managed to race up the stairs and make her way through her colleagues and make it to her desk. She struggled to set everything up to make it look like she had been working for a bit as her boss, Mark Wutherford finally entered the room.

Mark eyed everyone to make sure that everyone was present before placing his things down in his office. He walked back out and addressed to everyone, "I'm sorry everyone, I am late, only because of a personal emergency. I take it everyone has made it on time today?"

Charley could feel the tension in the air as everyone fought the urge to look at her, luckily, she's one of the people that everyone liked.

Satisfied, Mark nodded, but before he went back into his office he called out loudly, "Charley! Are you finished with that weird dog story?"

Charley flinched at the mention of her name, but managed to recover quickly, "Yeah, it's nearly done, just a bit more editing touches and it'll be ready for tonight's news."

"I want it done in an hour!" Mark yelled and left before Charley could answer.

"We need more than an hour." Marty Coleman, her camera-guy, mentioned as he came into her view, rolling on an office chair. The office chair was too low for his six-foot body so his feet were practically dragging along the carpet floor. "We haven't even started the editing process."

"I know, it's because you had that stupid 'my dog has diarrhoea' excuse!" Charley groaned and rested her head on the desk.

"Well, she actually did," Marty paused, "that time."

"Shut up, let's just start it." Charley told him.

Ten minutes later, Charley's phone rang, it was from Sandra, her high-school friend. "Oh crap, I forgot about her." Charley mumbled.

"Hey!" Charley answered cheerfully.

"You forgot, didn't you?" Sandra said, "about lunch."

"Yeah, I've only been awake for about half an hour though." Charley mentioned.

"Charley!" Mark yelled from his office door.

"Hang on," Charley said to Sandra and hid her phone, "Yes?"

"Hurry up on the dog story, I'm sending you and Marty out to record a story about a woman and her fake teeth collection. She's trying for a world-record."

"Alright," Charley said to Mark then when he was back in his office, she groaned, "I'm sorry Sandra, I need to do a story."

"Okay, when do you finish today?" Sandra asked.

"Uh, at about three." Charley answered.

"Okay then, let's catch up then." Sandra said.

"Great, I know a great café we could go to." Charley smiled.

"Great, see you at three! Bye!"

"Bye!" Charley hung up then sighed. "Let's get this editing done." Charley said.

"Righto boss!" Marty replied.


Around 1pm

Mike looked at his colleagues. Oscar was busy looking at the surroundings. They had the privilege of meeting Louis at the airport. Louis was around twenty-six years old and has a height of five-foot-eight. He barely spoke to the other two on the way to where they are now.

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