The Beginning~Part One

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.:::::. Merry Christmas Guys
.:::::::::. I'm starting over

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The Beginning

I guess I never really thought of it at first. I never questioned it. I just never wanted to let him down, but it all changed when I found out. I found out that he wasn't who he said he was. It hurt me really bad and I wanted to scream, I wanted to cry. I did, and there was so much going on, that I didn't even fight the urge to do so.

If your confused, let me start at the beginning:

I was sitting on the floor in my bedroom, the thing that's kept me locked up for what felt like eternity. I wish dad would just let me out already, I'm almost ten and I'm still stuck in this stupid room. I feel caged, like an animal. Mom says I'll get out soon, but she's been saying that for awhile now and she's been going on about Boy Blunder. B-man's sidekick, I heared that Batman put Riddler in rehab again.

Nice job, Uncle Nigma. Hint my sarcasm. If I was out there, I could help with these kinds of things. 'But no, I'm not ready and not immature enough!' Dads words, not mine. I'm sick and tired of him saying; I'm not good enough, or I need more skills or whatever. It's getting old. Like him, I know mean, but he never shuts up about how he's "Getting too old for this."

Which is sarcasm, but still. I hate being in here, it's irritating. I sighed, as I stood up and collapsed on my bed. I laid there, with my arms sprawled out. I never get to do anything, I'm always in my room, I never leave. Sometimes I get visitors, as my dad calls them. Like Uncle Nigma, Uncle Pen, Aunt Ivy, Aunt Kat, Uncle Harvey, Mom and Dad, etc. I haven't had them lately, the last visit I had was with Uncle Nigma, which I have to say he's my favorite out of all of them.

But I have good reasons to, sometimes he leaves me riddles to figure out, and if I get them right he brings me presents. He always visits more than the others do, plus he gives me weird, but cool nicknames, and sometimes I convince him to play dolls with me. But he always makes me promise not to tell anyone. Back to me complaining, right where was I? Oh yeah, I feel like I'm in prison.

I rolled over on my stomach and started to fall off the bed, just great. I fell and landed on my back, it knocked the wind out of me, but I have to say it's the most interesting thing that's happened to me all day. And that's when I noticed that my window had a slight split, between the wall and the window. I gasped out of excitement, as an idea floated through my head.

I rushed to my closet and grabbed out the knife kit that I got for Christmas last year, from Uncle Pen. I opened it up, pulled out my butterfly knife and went to the window. This is going to be so much fun! I slipped the knife through the slit and bent it. The wood made a low creek and I cringed. I really hate that noise. I bent more and more, until the hinges broke off. It also made a loud noise, I winced and looked at the door.

I listened to check for any noises to indicate that anyone would come up here and there wasn't. A sigh of relief escaped my lips, as I took the window door off. The evening air brushed through the widow and into my room. I smiled, I'm almost free. I quickly went to my closet and opened my drawer, to look for something to wear. To be honest, my taste in clothes is way different than my parents, they prefer more colorful clothes. Where I like more dull colors; black, grey and white.

I picked out a black long sleeved shirt and a white leather vest. I put on a pair of leather jeans on, one leg was black, and one was white. I slipped on a pair of combat boots and leather gloves, which they also had one black and one white. I walked out of my closet and went to the bathroom. I stared in the mirror, as I put my midnight black hair into a ponytail. I crouched down and opened the cupboard door, I grabbed out my mom's black and white make up.

The reason I have my mom's make up in here, is because one time she decided to show me how she did hers. She accidentally left it here and hadn't asked for it back since. I put it on the sink and grabbed the paint brush. I dipped it into the white paint and smeared it all over my face. After my face was whitened, I dipped the paint brush in the black and painted a spade under my left eye. I finished it off, by painting my lips black.

I walked out of the bathroom and went to my closet once more. I went to my shelf and grabbed my utility belt. I strapped it around my hips, I grabbed a strange looking knife that looked like it could do some damage and put it in a secret container in my right boot. I walked out of the closet and entered my room, I grabbed a few more knives and stashed them away. And finally I'm ready to enter the real world, the world that my parents torture.

I don't know what I'm doing. I just rushed into sneaking out and wondering Gotham. Maybe I should just stay, yeah I'll fix the window and shower, they'll never know that I attempted to sneak out. But this may be the only chance that I'll have to prove myself. What if I- My thought was cut short. I heard footsteps walking outside the door and I froze. A shadow appeared from under the door, and the door handle shook. It's now, or never!

I ran to the window and yanked myself up. My legs were dangling of the edge and I looked back. The door opened and revealed my farther. He looked around the room, until his eye's landed on me. And I'm dead! A wave of shock flood his face and I smirked. Well what could I do, just crawl back inside and say "I'm sorry, I won't do it again!"

Yeah. . No. I jumped down on the roof and did an army roll. I slid the rest of the way down, until I almost fell off of the house. I grabbed the edge of the house, before I could fall. I hung on and looked down, big mistake. The distance between the ground and my dangling feet, is at least seven'ft. And I just so happened to be afraid of heights. Oh, how fantastic. I looked up and closed my eyes, here goes nothing...literally.

I released my hands from the house and landed on my butt. Oww! I quickly got up and started running towards Gotham. I smiled again, I can't believe I actually did this. I wonder what I'll do in Gotham, just walk the streets, jump off building to building. Meet the famous Batman and Robin. Who knows what adventure I have waiting for me. All I know right now, is that I'm going to be in pretty big trouble when I get home.

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