Chapter 1: The Bump ;)

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Your POV

You were just a regular girl like everyone else. You went shopping with your friends, went to the beach and even moved from New York to California hoping to go into acting. There is one thing that not a lot of people you know do, make youtube videos. You weren't a nobody youtuber either. you had millions of people watching you considering you had over one million subscribers.

Today was a regular day, you decided to go to the store with your best friend, Emily. You two have been friends since you moved from Georgia To New York. She was your only friend when you were the new kid in school. Now that you have moved to L.A. with her, you don't see each other much besides the collab videos that you do together. (sorry, I felt like I had to explain who Emily was xx)

You and Emily were going to the store to get cans for the tin can challenge. Emily suggested it of course. When you walked into the store, you began to Vlog.

"Hello everyone, today we are getting some cans for the tin can challenge. I have a friend with me by the way. Say hello Ms. Baker." I say then turn it toward Emily.

she waved and I turned it back toward me walking into the canned food aisle.. " so what shall we get? Mushrooms, Spinach, Anchovies?" I ask looking at the cans

" we should get something with Tomatos in it since you hate tomatos like chili..." she grabs a can of chili.

"I believe that if we do I will get stuck with it and you will all watch me suffer in pain" I giggle and make her put the chili back.

" okay number one, pain? how can eating tomatos put you in pain? and number two, your fans most likely would like to see that.." she laughed.

" well of course they would but they don't get to see that because I refuse to eat them so we aren't getting them." I say walking farther down  the aisle.


A/N:  Sorry if you do like tomatos, I originally wrote it as me being the main character. so it is based off of me a little like the tomato part, and please don't say that I'm just saying I hate tomatos because I love Joey. I absolutely hate them. I've hated them my whole life, before I discovered Joey. so don't say I don't like tomatos because Joey doesn't like them... Thank You.


You two finally pick out the cans you girls want and put them in a basket which you make Emily carry around since she forced you to get tomatos for the challenge.

"  I need to grab a couple things while we are here.."  I say as I walk off to get the stuff that i need.

You start to Vlog again and try to ignore all of the strange looks that you were getting. When you turned the corner you bumped into a guy, who by the way smelled really good! oh my gosh, i bet he showers in rainbows! (Yes I really just wrote that and you just read it (; ) i didn't really look at his face because i was already embarrassed by vlogging in a store with soo many people around.

" uhm.. I'm soo sorry Sir." i say walking passed him and his friend walking over to where my items I need are. I rush out of the aisle and quickly find Emily so we could check out and go back to my house.

Joey POV

Shane Dawson and I were in a store together ti get cans for the tin can challenge. (yes they are doing the same challenge because i thought it was a good thing to start out with.) We walk into the store vlogging and head for the can aisles.

"We are going to have a fun time, and with your luck you are going to get all the bad cans." Shane said chuckling. i shook my head hoping it wasn't true. As i turned around, a girl bumped into me. She didn't look at me, she just said sorry. I caught a glimpse of her and all i can say is she was cute! Shane looked at the girl with wide eyes. When she walked away, Shane looked at me.

"Do you know who just bumped into you?" he asked.

" uhh...... No, was she vlogging? she was taping herself." i said looking at the cans.

"Dude! She's (y/n)! She is huge on Youtube! How do you not know who she is?!" He basically yelled which got us a couple of weird looks, not that we didn't have any in the beginning. As we checked out, that girl was in front of us. I felt awkward just standing there because i didn't really know who she was at all. When she went to get in her car and we were checking out, i just watched her. i know i probably looked creepy but i didn't care. she interested me a bit. i guess she knew Tobuscus (Toby Turner) since he stopped to talk to her and her friend for a while.

"I will show you some of her videos after we shoot the video. you will love her." Shane said then chuckled." You are already attracted to her aren't you?" I snapped my head back to look at him.

" Uhm.. No..." I say a bit nervous. i was a bit attracted to her, I cant lie. No matter how attracted to her it all came down to personality in the end. if I met her and she was everything that i don't look for in a girl, i would probably just forget about the attraction i had towards her in the first place. We got back to Shane's house, where we shot the video. when we were done with the challenge i did a bit more vlogging then Shane showed me (y/n)'s videos. She was really good and she was a similar youtuber to me.

"Have you met her yet?" I ask looking at some more of her videos.

"Does being in the same store count?" Shane asked jokingly.

I rolled my eyes." I meant have you talked to her before?" He looked at me like I was crazy. "One does not simply talk to (y/n)" he said then started to edit his video. I went home and edited mine then went to bed.


A/N: Thanks so much for reading this and leave comments down below and maybe i will dedicate a chapter to you and other times you could DM me on Twitter. < click that and it will lead you to my Twitter. follow me and i will follow you back, promises on Joeyanya's life. NOW THAT IS SERIOUS GUYS. and you can DM me your idea, why you want to be in this Fanfic and if i agree to putting you in this then you must tell me what your character is like and what you want to happen with your character. I have been writing this Fanfic in a journal for a week now and this is basically all i have written besides a few more paragraphs. i hope you guys have a lovely Day/Night where ever you are and whenever you read this. please comment down below what you thought and thank you soo much guys!! xoxo ~ Erica

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