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Becca becca, tom yelled. whats wrong are you okay what is it why are you yelling? i have to tell you something. what is it is all i managed to say. in the back of my head i had this feeling i already knew what it was. tom and i had been friends for a while i was 10 he was 14. he got quiet and looked at everything except for me, he mumbled something and i just couldnt hear him. tom you are going to have to speak louder if you want me to know what you are trying to say, i said sarcastically. and just then i was looking at my bestfriend in disbelief when he said the three words i have been dreading throughout our entire friendship. "I've been adopted." he went on telling me about the amazing people he was looking forward to calling his parents everything from how sweet they were what they looked like and he even attempted to show me how they talked which i got a laugh out of! i didnt want to show this boy that i have gotten so close with that i was hurting i didnt want to make him think him getting adopted was a bad thing so i did the only thing i thought i could have done. i pushed back my threatening tears, hugged him smiled and said with excitement, "OH MY GOD TOM THAT IS AMAZING IT FINALLY HAPPEND IM SO EXCITED FOR YOU"  as he pulled away from the hug he told me he was going to miss me and i was confused. what do you mean your gonna miss me? i asked. well i have to move becca they dont live around here.


I woke up sweating tears running down my face, i am now 20 years old and it has been 10 years since i had lost my bestfriend. i have no idea why this dream still affects me like this. i look to my alarm and realised it is time to get ready for classes. I run to the bathroom and start the shower.


after my shower i got dressed applied a little bit of makeup and headed off to class. while in the car my favorite song came on and i was jammin out; getting extrememly weird looks from everyone around. i got to my college and attended all of my classes needless to say i have had a boring day! after school i got a text from avery

From AVES <3

- were going out tonight so get ready to have some fun im also picking you un in an hour for lunch so be ready.

To AVES <3

-haha okay good i need a night out ;) and as for lunch in an hour THANK GOD IM STARVING!!!

avery is my bestfriend she has been for a couple of years we do everything together well not everything thats weird but mostly everything. avery showed up at my hows in precisely an hour and we left to go get some take away. we chatted a bit about our boring classes and caught up on some of the latest gossip. so guess who is back in london..... avery asked. as i started to answer i was cut off by avery saying oh you wont guess so ill just tell you THE WANTED she said slightly screaming. oh the boy band your obsessed with? not obsessed but yes thats why were going out tonight were going to try and find them!  we finished our meals and decided to go back to mine to finish up our fangirling and watch movies until we decided it was about time to get ready. 

 we got ready i was wearing a strapless black dress that hugged my every curve, and paired it up with all black velvet heels we headed out to a couple of bars until we hit the right one! becca their here look omg i cannot believe it we found em! umm hate to burst your bubble but how do you exactly plan on getting them to notice us? i asked. she looked at me mischif in her eyes, and just then i heard my favorite song and realised im being dragged to the dance floor with a loud this is how from my bestfriend. 

avery i cannot do this, yes you can your a great dancer just pretend their not here come on only you and your moves will get them to see us now dance! fine bu- i was cut off with a stern but nothing come on....  i started moving to the music grabbing anyone who was willing to dance with me my hips were moving i was gliding all over the dance floor like i was the only one there until i heard people cheering for me. i look to avery and shes smiling saying keep going you've got an audience pointing towards the wanted. i kept moving dancing with the sexiest moves i could possibly do everyone was whistling and clapping me on. the song was finishing and i now had a dance partner he spun me in and released me and just my luck i spun out of control directly into the wanted. to say i was embarressed would be an understatement i looked up at the man who was now holding me saving me from busting my ass on the hard wood floor. his peircing hazel eyes looking directly at me they were amazing yet oddly familiar. i couldnt put a finger on it. i was snapped out of my day dream when i heard a loud hey are you okay love! i stood up and straightened myself out and found the courage to speak yea im fine sorry that wasnt really supposed to happen smiling awkwardly. i got a chuckle from the five boys stood infront of me. its alright darlin everyone has their moments exspecially this one the tall gorgious model looking one said pointing to the cute curly haired boy. i smiled and replied with hi im Becca. im siva, jay, nathan, max, and tom. oh okay well thanks for catching me it was nice meeting you; and like clock work avery ran over. becca omg are you okay you were doing so good what happened? oh nothing i just lost my blance good thing um tom right? yea he said. yea so good thing tom here caught me or- oh my god your the wanted i love your music. i looked at the five guys before me and said. you're the wanted? the bald one stood tall and said yes we are have you heard of us? i looked down not knowing what to say. i didnt want to embarress my bestfriend by saying have i ever avery doesnt ever stop talking about you guys shes obsessed; so i just stuck with yea ive heard of you and ive listened to a couple of your songs. while standing there and chatting with the wanted i couldnt help but notice that tom had been constantly staring at me it was kind of creepy but i just ignored it. we all were sat in a booth talking and getting to know eachother and max made a joke that i just thought was absolutly hilarious. i started to laugh my uncontrolable laugh which is also very loud and tom made this face like something had clicked in his head he gave a look of recognition as we all calmed down avery stood up and looked at me. " i think we should get going we have classes early in the morning." we said our goodbyes and we started for the door only to be stopped by nathan. i was told to give you guys this have a nice night.


avery was just going to sleep at my place since she was just way over her limit tonight and was in no shape to drive. we were sitting in the living room reminiscing on the events that had just occured and i remembered the piece of paper nathan had handed me . oh my god avery look what your idols just gave us! she screamed so loud i thought i heard glass break! we danced around like idiots saying we got their numbers we got their numbers until we collapsed onto the couch pulling out our phones sending messages to each of the guys giving them all our numbers.

TO Tom, Siva, Max, Jay, Nathan

-hey this is becca i had a great time tonight getting to meet you all. <3

From Tom

- i had fun too :)

From Max

-well do it again soon yeah? :)

From Jay

- loved it as well!

From Siva

it was lovely meeting you too darlin <3

From Nathan

- i was wondering when you would text us :) it was a top night

i had a huge smile that night as i drifted off to sleep.

OKAY so this is my first fanfic and ive changed the idea up a bit i hope you like it i would love some feedback it would mean alot! just so i know if i hsould keep going or not

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