#1 How you meet

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Jason~ You and your best friend won tickets to an Ionic Boyz meet & greet and you were really excited. You and (y/b/f/n) got to the meet and greet a little early. So you decided to go get a cup of coffee at Starbucks really quick. When you got there you and (y/b/f/n) ordered the same thing, Carmel Frappuccino with extra carmel and whipped cream. When you turned around to go back to the meet and greet you bumped into someone and spilled our coffee on the floor and fell. When you got up you said, " Sorry i didn't watch-" when you looked up you saw the Jason Smith. "No it's my fault let me buy you another coffee." So after he bought your coffee you were about to leave when he tapped on your shoulder and said " Hey umm can i uh have your uh number." " Sure." you said and left.

Mikey~ You were inside Champs buying a new hat for your brothers birthday, when you saw a really cute boy looking at you. He walked up to you and said " Why is such a pretty girl like you not have a boyfriend by your side." You said, "Well, I don't have one and I guess guys just don't like me.'' He then said, " Well I can change that if you were willing to give me your number and go on a date with me." You said " I'd love to and sure." After that you had just found a new boyfriend.

Vinny~ You were in Walmart with your mom and said, " MOM CAN I PLEASSSSSSSSSSSSSSEEEEEE GET SOME NUTELLA." she said " Will it make you stop begging and nagging." You took that as a yes and ran down the aisle to get nutella. As you were running you bumped into someone. " I am so sorry i wasn't paying attention.'' He said while helping you up. "No it's okay it was my - hey aren't you Vinny from the Iconic Boyz?" He said ye then once you said you had to go he asked for your number. You guys spent all night texting.

Madison~ You were in a music store and had to buy a new guitar because somehow your old one got ruined. You saw a red one that you just fell in love with and you just had to get it. You strummed a few chords and as you were playing you heard someone playing the chorus to Someone Like You by Adele so you started playing to. After you were done, the whole store started clapping. Then the boy walked up to you and said," Hi, I'm Madison. You play the guitar really well." "Thanks" you said. After that you paid fro your guitar and were about to walk out of the store when you felt someone grab your wrist and turn you around." Hey um can I have your number." he said and you recognized that it was the guy from earlier and said," Sure.'' After that you guys texted all day.

Nick~ You were signed up to take dane lessons t the ICON dance studio. You had been running ten minutes late and finally when you got there Geo said,'' Your 10 minutes late (y/n)." "I know and I'm sorry family problems." He said ok just don't let it happen again.You went next to this really cute guy and he said," Hi my name is Nick." you said hi back and continued dancing. He then said'' After dance class meet me in the parking lot." 

                     *45 Minutes Later*

You met Nick in he parking lot and he said,'' Ok so i just wanted to ask you if i could have your number.'' ''Sure'' you said. Just then your mom pulled into the parking lot to take you home. You said bye and he texted you that night to ask you if you wanted to go on a date with him you said yes and that was the start of a beautiful relationship.

Louis~ You and your best friend went to a party at one of your friends house and when you went in you saw all of your friends. Some people you didn't know but you didn't care. When you went into the kitchen to get a soda you bumped into someone. You looked up to see the Louis DiPippa. He helped you up and said sorry but when he looked into your eyes and you looked into his you both just felt like you got lost in space. Then your best friend walked in and snapped her fingers in front        of your guys' face. Then you snapped out of the trance. Then you walked away but he grabbed your shoulder and said," I really like you . an i have your number. you said sure  and then you ended up not going to school he next day because you were up all night texting Louis.

Thomas~ You were a babysitter for the summer but couldn't seem to find a child to babysit. But the your mom told you that she got called and said she had found a job for you. She said you would be babysitting a baby named Makenna. When you got to the house the mom greeted you and told you everythin you needed to do. Then she left to go to work.

                                   *30 Minutes later*

Someone walks in the door and says "mom are you home" no answer so he walks upstairs and sees you putting the baby to sleep. then he says " you must be the babysitter.'' You said yep then you checked the time and said that you had to o but before you left you gave the guy your number and he said,'' I'm Thomas by the way.''

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