How applejack won the war (not)

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I was in the grey, dim cafeteria at the base, spooning porridge into my mouth. Aria sat with me doing the same, as well as all the others eating. Later there was to be another battle. Twilight had thought if she, me and Aria combined our powers, we could destroy nightmare. It was a study she did. An extreme concentration of alicorn magic could match up to the elements. It was risky. But it was a chance I was willing to take.
I felt my cheeks grow hot as the troops marched to the now gloomy castle. The canterlot ponies were miserable. I felt like vomiting. I never been in a battle with an entire army! Hopefully battle will be a breeze.
"Charge!!!" Twilight yelled.
The troops stormed at each other and the battle was on.
This was the discretion so me Aria and twilight could get in the castle. We spread out our wings and took off toward the castle. Twilight smashed a window to the throne room.
"It's over nightmare moon!" I declared.
"You little pests won't stand a chance!" Nightmare moon cackled as we formed a circle.
We started to blast magic rays as strong as we could at nightmare to destroy her. That's when nightmare blasted twilight sparkle into the arms of two royal guards!
"Let her go nightmare moon!" I bellowed agrily.
"Ceast fire. Then we can work it out." She snarled.
Then I heard applejack yell "fire!"
A bunch of apple lazers started blasting in.
"Let's go snow." Muttered Aria.
"You won't win nightmare! I will take back my kingdom even if it kills me!" I yelled teleporting out.
"Good lock without your leader!" She yelled after us.
Tears stung my eyes. I really felt lucky this time. But instead we lost our leader. She was possibly locked in a cell. Without battle strategies how would we fight back?

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