Chapter 18 -

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Thank you so much TowerOfCookies with the amazing creation of Natalya Sparks(: And for all that amazing coversation with our random dialogue(;

ANYWAY! I feel mean from where I left you guys with that last chapter:/ buuut, since my goal of 5O readers was reached, I'm uploading!! BUT, *here comes my devilish side* I'm going to hire my vote goals(: So, before I update the next chapter I would like 5O readers and hm...1O votes?? Soo, please vote!!! & recomend this story so you can get the next chapter ASAP!♥

Allen's POV hasn't been done in a while, but no worries!!! Thats what the next chapter is!(:

Love you guyssss!:D


NEED 1O votes!!!!!

***Layla's Point of View***

I decided  not to go to school today. After all, it was a Friday and my heart was still throbbing. Triston and Raina were smart enough not to mention anything about the fight, even to my mom. As usual, though, my mom left early this morning so I didn't even have to talk with her. 

So, with my mom gone and Raina and Triston on their bus to school, I had the house to myself. At first I was excited to be home alone, but after a while I realized there was nothing to distract me from the constant ache in my chest.

Was it wrong of me to let him go?

No, it couldn't possibly be wrong. He didn't love me anymore and it was for the best. I was probably like a whiny child to him. 

I let out a big frustrated sigh and wrapped the blanket around my body tighter. It was fall; not hot enough for A.C., but not cold enough for heat. However, today was definitely a time for heat. When I woke up this morning, alone, I almost didn't know what to do with myself. I mean, it was like a part of me- the part that gave me sense and feelings- was just gone. 

Being lost and confused, I did what most teenage girls did after breakups- eat a tub of ice cream while watching sad movies so it gave them something else to cry about. Sadly, I watched "Dear John" three times and finished a whole carton of ice cream and didn't feel any better. I guess it was just in movies.

I checked the clock and it said it was 12:48. This frustrated me since I didn't want to be alone until 3:05 which was when Raina and Triston came home. Maybe I shouldn't have skipped.

Then, I remembered Allen's face and shuttered, realizing it was a good idea to stay home. My conflicting feelings started to make this day harder. After about ten minutes of internal fighting, I picked up my phone and texted Jordan, knowing she would answer.

Do you think there's anyway you could get out of school and come to my place?(:

I waited for a few minutes until the familiar 'ding' went off from my cheap phone.

Of course, I'd do anything to get out of here (; What's the matter beb?

I pressed reply, but didn't know what to say. Ofcourse I wanted to tell her everything, and I mean everything. All starting with the car accident and ending with my break up with Allen. I frantically ran through my thoughts and decided what I was going to do. What I had to do.

I'll explain everything, I promise. Grab as many of the girls as you can- it's kinda important.

When I pressed send, the ice cream in my stomach churned and my palms and back started to sweat. There wasn't any turning back and I needed to tell them, even if the sympathy drove me insane. I mean, it just showed they cared, right?

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