Tuesday Day 2: Fake or Real Smiles?

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High school in general is just hell of a ride isn't? Especially being a freshman at a new school where practically that random guy in the corner at lunch is your best friend. Moving to St. Mary's these past weeks hasn't been easy. I came from a private magnet math and science school about 15 minutes away from St. Mary's. So making friends hasn't been easy. Some people have been 'the knock off friends', 'the light switch friends', or the 'unsure commitment friends'. The knock off friends are the fake unreal friends that use you for minion work or social status (basically making you have the artsiest Instagram). Unsure commitment friends are the type of friends that want to get to know you and y'all have a lot in common but, are hard to open up to and get to know. And, light switch friends are basically a mixture of the two. They talk to you sometimes and love you but life is just so confusing so you probably will be just a 'school friend' with them. But sooner or later you will find 'your squad'. Basically the best people you will ever meet.

Today at school one of my best friends from my old school Jane. Jane was pretty popular at our old school. Everyone adored Jane but not like how everyone loves Becky here. Jane and I escaped Becky out of her horrific study hall, Ms. Mills. Ms. Mills is one of the worst teachers at St. Mary's and has rank coffee breathe. Can she take a hint or like a mint?!

All during study hall people were asking Becky about her recent breakup. Of course everyone was in awe because they were 'so cute' or 'so wrong'. But of course Becky was just eating up that attention if she agreed or disagreed. Though Becky was nicer than usual and happy to be back in the city. When Becky showed me her schedule I had two classes with her. I had biology and math with her.

After lunch I was walking with one of my new friend Layla. I had met Layla this year at St. Mary's. I feel that Layla and I have this special connection. Like that feeling like when you know your other half. And that feeling that you only have with a couple of friendships in your life.

As Layla and I walk into the classroom Becky is standing there and asked me "Hey Becky got a place to sit?". I said "Well Christina sits there..." Becky being Becky kicked one of my friends Christina out of her chair to sit next to me and basically causing a scene. I have practically known Christina since we were three. Christina also came from my old school and we attended church with each other years ago. Of course timid Christina just moves and sits next to the class clown Jimmy. Jimmy thinks he's such a ladies man but in my opinion he's just a brainless monkey.

After class Christina was a little upset for me not defending her. The last thing I need to do is get Becky bitching at me over a stupid seat.

When walking into biology Becky asked me again "Anyone sitting here?" I said "Ummm no, just me." (gratefully no one sat next to me). She looked at me with a fake gritty teeth smile and said "OHHH great!" As Ms. Star was calling out roll she said "Look class meet 'New Becky' and 'Old Becky'. In my head I'm thinking should I kill Ms. Star or Becky first?..... or both?

After class, everyone was so happy that Becky was joining us at St. Mary's. The only person that wasn't thrilled by this was Christina. Christina and Becky had some misunderstandings apparently when playing tennis at the Hamptons in past summers.

At the end of class Becky decided to walk with me home. Becky was trying to dig shit of course. Becky asks "Hey so today five boys in the courtyard were like totally gossiping about me. What should I do?" Currently I'm thinking and you're telling me this because? I'm about to explode from all the Becky shenanigans today. When thinking this she was talking about herself and of course everyone 'loves her'. Thankfully I was already at my hotel and said "I gotta go Becky see you tomorrow." She just smiled and immediately someone spotted her and she went on with her day.

As I walked into my penthouse I told my mom that Becky was attending St. Mary's. My mom was shocked and told me "Honey just be nice even though how much you might want to strangle her." I said "Thanks mom, all this gossip makes me tired. I am going to bed." I as walk up into my room what passes my mind What have I gotten into? What if she reveals my past?

until tomorrow xoxo, becky 

(authors notes: hey guys!! hope you all have enjoyed Becky Diaries so far! please don't be shy to leave comments about my stories!!)

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