Chapter 1: Wisconsin It Is

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Alice was staring outside the window, watching the landscape as the car rolled down the highway during a rainy evening. The sun setting made the sky looked like cotton candy. Her window was opened just a bit so she could breathe the fresh air. Everything made her feel so peaceful, except for one thing.

"Turn down your shitty music now, would you?" Alice told Dean, sitting in the backseat of the Impala, arms crossed over her chest. In fact, she really did enjoy that rock music Dean listened to, but she'd do anything to piss him off. The three things he liked most were women, rock music, and alcohol. She always faked being the damsel in distress discovering that her so-called husband was cheating when Dean brought a girl in the bunker to scare his conquest off. For the alcohol, she couldn't do much more than chugging it before he found it, even though she didn't like it at all. So, whenever she had the chance to bug him about rock, she would take the opportunity. Of course, it was obvious to her that his music taste was better than his taste in women! "All sluts," she thought.

"Don't start, you two," commented Sam, who was sitting next to the driver who didn't seem to care at all about anything that was being exchanged being his brother and the girl he hated most. He was ignoring both of them, staring at the road since they've left.

Sam always thought of Alice as a sister, but Dean never did. The younger Winchester believed that eventually, they'd grow a love for each other in a brother-sisterly kind of way, but he clearly had other feelings for her. Sam's laptop was, in fact, sitting on his lap as he searched information on the next case, typing every once in a while and sipping on a cup of coffee to stay awake.

"So how's the research going?" asked Dean, finally aware that he wasn't alone in the car. Sam swallowed a sip of that hot drink before explaining exactly what was happening.

"There's this article saying that a lot of people, either young or old, with no history of heart conditions mysteriously died of a heart attack near the Heartbreak statue in a Wisconsin's museum," he started. "That's not it, people were reported to disappear out of nowhere, and you know where they were?" Sam asked, turning his head towards them.

"Near the Long-Lost Statue!" excitedly proclaimed Alice in the backseat. Ever since she became a hunter, she immediately wanted to know everything about anything. John would often catch her reading books about demons late at night with a flashlight under her covers. He didn't mind. He might even have liked that about her.

"Uh, yeah exactly, how'd you know that?" Sam questioned her with a smile. "You aren't from Wisconsin now, are you?"

"It's easy, I read it in dad's journal," she replied in a soft voice, making sure she marked every word she said. "Didn't he had a case just like that?" It didn't take long before Dean clenched his jaw and let out a loud, annoyed sigh.

"First of all, he was not your dad," Dean added harshly, almost spitting his words. "And don't use that 'I-am-adopted' crap, it doesn't work on me anymore because it wasn't paperwork official!" he finished as his grip tightened on the wheel.

"Dean, come on, don't take it like that," Sammy started. "He wasn't even our dad," he said with a smile, trying to lighten the mood with somewhat of a humorous tone. It didn't work since Dean's facial expression seemed so mad that he was about to burst.

"He would get annoyed when I called him John, he wanted me to call him dad," stated Alice whose feelings were hurt a little.

Sam coughed before continuing. "Anyway, we need to head there as soon as possible and try to figure out if it was witches or something else before there's any more victim," he explained.

"Alright, Wisconsin it is!" last said Dean before accelerating to the speed limit. The Impala became silent once again, until Dean turned up the volume of the radio real loud, making Alice sink into her seat, pouting.

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