A Deal

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I was being held somewhere dark. I didn't know where I was, the air was stuffy and I couldn't breathe well. I was in a small room. My stomach began to ache. I was internally bleeding.

"Magnesian, please I need medical attention."

I said. My voice echoed. I grabbed my gut and began to get up only to receive a nerve wracking pain. I fell to the floor and began to scream. I began to groan now.

"Magnesian, please."

I begged. I began to see patches of black begin to blur my vision. I needed to get out of here. If I lived through this I swear I would kill Magnesian as soon as I got better. I heard a door open. I closed my eyes focusing on the steps. He was man and he was size foot 15 and was a strong and stood at the height of 6'2.

"You will get medical attention when you tell us all about what you know of John Watson."

The man told me. I couldn't let my father down like that.

"Then let me die!"

I cried. The man sighed and then walked out of the room. I couldn't tell Magnesian all about John, it would tear my father apart. I began to feel the pull from reality to somewhere else, a world no one wanted to go to. I let go of my gut and put my hands on the cement floor, I dug my fingers into the floor and began another session of screaming. I then felt the sudden coldness grab a hold of my body. Fine let me die, but let me tell the world one more thing.

"I am Amelia Holmes and I am the proud daughter of Sherlock who kicked your damn mind, you dirty bastard Magnesian."

And like that the cold air blew out my candle light.
I barely opened my eyes. I didn't know where I was and nor did I care, I was alive. I could live on my prophecy like I had hoped. I felt someone apply a cold cloth to my forehead, I looked up to find Sherlock.


I asked in a low voice. He smiled at me and then took my hand.

"My dear Amelia, it's okay. I'm here."

He told me as he kissed my hand. I felt better, now. I knew I was safe with my Dad. I wanted to know how I got out of Magnesian's house and how I was still alive.


I asked him wanting the story. I was weak and it felt as if I couldn't move what so ever.

"I made a deal with Magnesian, I get to see Appledore and get you back and he gets Mycroft's laptop."

He answered. I opened my eyes more extensively. I could tell he was really weak.

"Dad, you risked your life for me?"

I asked him. He smiled at me. I wanted to hug him and cry on his shoulder to thank him.

"I know I don't act like it and I don't say it ,but Amelia I love you so much."

He replied. I smiled at him taking most of my energy away. I shuttered and pulled my knees up to my chest.

"Get some rest my dear, tonight we will get you back to the hospital for a blood transfusion, but for now you need to rest."

He told me. I nodded my head. My smile vanished and I closed my eyes. I knew I was safe and I was okay. I think that was the best rest I had ever gotten in my life. I actually slept for the first time in seven years.
It was nightfall when I woke up by a sudden touch. I opened my eyes quickly and looked about to find John. He was checking my pulse. He turned to his wife and one other who was looking down at me.

"She needs to get to the hospital, will someone call for an ambulance?"

John asked one of them. I looked over to find Mary who I growled at. Mary got her phone out of her pocket and put it up to her ear. The man stared down at me. I looked him up and down. He was a police officer. One of Sherlock's friends. I let out a moan as I felt sick and weak.

"Amelia, focus on my questions and try to answer them the best you can."

John told me as he got up in my face. I nodded my head, I had much strength in me now.

"Where is Sherlock?"

He asked. I didn't know he was gone.


I answered weakly. John looked up at the policeman who was still staring at me.

"Okay, was he home?"

He questioned. Yeah, he was before I fell asleep.

"Yes, I think."

I answered. John nodded his head and then stood up. I looked at the policeman.

"You don't believe I'm Sherlock's daughter, do you? Well to prove you wrong, you are a police officer and you think you are one of his close friends, but you really don't know because he treats you wrong."

I told the man still staring at me. He turned to John who shrugged.

"Name's Greg, but call me Lestrade."

He held out his hand and I took it.

"Amelia Holmes."

I replied as I shook his hand. He let go of my hand after a weak handshake.

"John, I was taken somewhere by Magnesian and I didn't have any medical attention. Sherlock came and rescue me, I can see the concern you have for Sherlock, but he is okay."

I informed John. John sighed and shook his head.

"Amelia, he snuck out of the hospital today ,and now we can't find him. When I told him about your disappearance last night he got scared, that's why he probably ran off. Though, now that he has reclaimed you, why would he not be here?"

John began to explain which led to a question. I looked at Mary.

"He is hiding."

I answered. All three of them rose their eyebrows. I could hear the sirens begin to near the flat.

"Why though?"

John questioned the group. I bit my lower lip. He wanted to reclaim me and then go off hiding....he knew Mary was my killer so he wouldn't have left me at the flat knowing that Mary would come here, he wasn't hiding. He was getting their attention and leading them somewhere.


A paramedic called. John left the bedroom and went to go fetch them. I looked at Mary and gave her an evil glare. The paramedics rushed in. They began to check my pulse and vitals.

"She needs a blood transfusion or she'll go into shock. We need to get her into the hospital quickly!"

A paramedic told John. John nodded his head.

"Do one of us need to go with you?"

John questioned the paramedic.

"One of you."

The paramedic answered. Lestrade almost jumped at the opportunity.

"I'll go."

Greg replied. I smiled at him, he was a wise guy and also so sweet. I was also pretty sure the only reason he wanted to come was because he wanted to know more about this mysterious daughter. The paramedics put a face mask over me to help me breathe and then put me on a backboard. They strapped me in and then began to transport me.

Mary followed close behind, she wanted to go find out more information. Greg stayed back a bit and when I was on the gurney and being loaded up Greg eventually joined us.

"Why do you want to come with me?"

I questioned him through the face mask. He smiled and then shrugged. I heard the sirens begin to blast. The engine turned over. Greg looked down at me.

"How is Sherlock your father?"

Sherlocks Daughter AmeliaWhere stories live. Discover now