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I sat up on the couch awaiting news of my father along with John and Lestrade. It had been a long night and I was beginning to grow wearisome. Lestrade had been at my side all night and even held my hand when they inserted the needle for my blood transfusion. When I felt well enough I was discharged and was allowed to wait with John. The medical staff was rather worried despite John telling them I would be okay. As I sat on the couch I saw that John had something on his mind. He kept on moving his lips and making random hand gestures. When I saw him grab his shoulder in pain I decided to interfere. 

"John, are you okay?"

I asked trying to sound like I didn't know anything. He puckered his lips together and sniffled.


He replied softly. I looked over at Greg who was actually a pretty cool guy. I sat back against the couch. I began to investigate people who were walking by just for the fun of it.

"Amelia, I forgot to ask, why didn't your mother come to see you in the hospital?"

Greg asked. I gave him half a smile.

"As much as my mother fakes loving me she will get rid of me at any chance she gets. This 'romance' get-a-way was nothing but a business trip and once she takes a business trip she won't leave until everything is sorted out. I know she heard the news from Magnesian, but she simply told Magnesian to take care of me and with that information, he came to the hospital with permission and took me."

I answered through a long explanation. John wasn't paying attention at all, he was in deep thought. Greg though seemed a bit worried about my lifestyle.

"No matter, my mother is rich and I don't really care for her love. Once she passes away I inherit all the money."

I covered it up. Greg turned to me with many questions.

"How did she get all that money?"

He asked me. I shrugged.

"Her parents were the ones who made all the money, she inherited it and added more money with her own business, now to answer your next question my mother is in the business of industry. She is the co-owner of the third richest industry company in the world. My step-father is the owner."

I answered. Greg took his pant legs and pulled them down.

"So, Sherlock never spoke of me?"

I asked. Greg shook his head.

"Didn't even know he was in love as a teenager."

Greg answered. I nodded my head, sounded like him. I didn't even talk about him, he was a weakness of mine. When my school was going crazy about my father I hated it.

"So how does it feel to be popular?"

He asked me. I looked at him and rose an eyebrow at him.

"Sir, I don't mean to be rude, but him being my father doesn't make me any more popular."

I answered. Then I saw the doctor headed towards us. I stood up immediately which sent a major pain through my gut which made me groan a bit and grab my bandage. The doctors took off his surgical mask and smiled at me.

"He made it through the surgery and is in need of a week's worth of recovery. "

He told us three. I smiled, I was so glad that my Dad was okay. He looked at me and looked at where my hand was.

"Were you the second victim of the shooting a couple days ago?"

He asked me. I nodded my head, he gasped at my reply.

Sherlocks Daughter AmeliaWhere stories live. Discover now